Rakesh thought that these notes might interest the list.

I share my attempt to figure out the propositions which are being
advanced in the new transition debate between Joseph Inikori,
Kenneth Pomeranz, Bin Wong, Jack Goldstone, Philip Huang, Christopher
Isett, Robert Brenner, Ellen Wood and others. And then
there is the book by LE Birdzell and Nathan Rosenberg: Why the West Grew

1. Agrarian capitalism (landlord-capitalist tenant relations,
competitive leases and rents) in a pre industrial world is a sufficient
for the emergence of industrial capitalism.

2. Agrarian capitalism was  a necessary but not sufficient condition for
emergence of the first industrial capitalist society: the emergence
of the first industrial capitalist society required the development of
agrarian capitalism--otherwise no possible way to find dispossessed
workers for industry and no discretionary income for output of
manufactories and later factories.

3. While agricultural productivity must rise in one or more of the
following measures (output per agricultural worker, output per
agricultural work hour, output per acre, output per capita)  for
industrial capitalism to find the prosperous home market on which it
depends, agrarian capitalism  is not necessary as a mode of production
for the rise in agricultural productivity on which industrialization

4. Agrarian capitalism is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition
for societies to achieve industrial capitalism once it has already been
achieved by another society.

5. Agrarian capitalism is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition
for the emergence of the first industrial capitalist society; in fact
agrarian capitalism did not provide English industry with workers, much
food, markets or capital. Moreover, the putting out mfg tied to
agrarian capitalism seems not to have issued into Industrial capitalism.
English agrarian capitalism concentrated in the south of a
regionally fragmented England proved to be not sufficient to engender
the Industrial Revolution which took off in the north of England;
nor did it play a necessary role in it.

6. Dynamic, cheap sea-based international trade unfettered by
mercantilism was a necessary condition for emergence as the first
industrial capitalist society.

7. Pre-industrial, agrarian capitalism or any other dynamic mode of
production for the raising of agrarian labor productivity still would
not have enabled the overcoming of the land constraint on which
industrial take off anywhere in and within Eurasia was bound to
founder; the abolishing of the land constraint required the good luck of
the geographically well situated ecological bounties of coal
deposits and New World land (as long as that did not fall to free
holders but was used at first at least to meet European demands) .


Ellen Wood seems to hold for all practical purposes  proposition 1.
Wood's argument regarding Holland may also have the implicit form
of modus tollens.  That is,  since agrarian capitalism is necessary and
sufficient for the emergence of industrial capitalism and Holland
declined before developing industrial capitalism, its commercialized
agriculture couldn't have been agrarian capitalist ( for if it had been,

it would have generated the agricultural prosperity that would have
engendered industrial capitalism).  The argument is logically valid but
the first premise seems false, and the conclusion that Holland's
agriculture wasn't capitalist by the criteria of her theory seems false.


My impression is that Brenner himself is closer to 2, but I am not clear
as to what the other necessary conditions are.


Inikori clearly argues that 5 is borne out by a disaggregated regional
analysis of England's historical experience as the first industrial
capitalist society. The implicit point of course is that dynamic
international trade unfettered by mercantilist restriction proved to be
surer and more dynamic path to industrial capitalism than agrarian
capitalism. Moreover, Inikori seems to be arguing 6 as a way of
explaining the Dutch decline--the Dutch were too tied to the restricted
and declining markets of 17th c. Europe and thus began to suffer
decline. So my impression is that Inikori rejects 1.

In support of 5, Inikori has also denied that American demand for
British exports was mainly driven by imports of American goods by a
world historical uniquely prosperous English agrarian capitalism: "The
more recent research has shown that the American economies -
with their abundant natural resources, much faster growing population
and income - were far
more dynamic than the English economy. What is more, a significant
proportion of the American products imported into England was
re-exported (
more than half of the tobacco from mainland British America was
re-exported). Northeastern British America  (where a large proportion of

English manufactures were sold) exported very little to England. The
region's incomes spent on those manufactures came from direct exports
(including a large amount of services) to the rest of the Americas
(including non-British America) and Europe. Certainly, some American
products were consumed in the agrarian societies of southern England and

that added to the market for those products. But the stagnation of the
economies of East Anglia and the West Country in the 18th and early 19th

century suggests that they did not contain the kind of dynamism that
provided the engine of growth for the Atlantic economies during the
period.This line of argument is much elaborated in my book. Actually,
Allen, Pat O'Brien and other authorities on English agriculture now
that the development of English agriculture in the 18th and 19th century

owed more to the development of England's industry than the latter owed

Inikori argues, in short, that English agrarian capitalism was not the
prime mover of the Industrial Revolution.


I think Pomeranz would argue for 3 which is not to say of course that he
thinks rising agricultural productivity is sufficient for the
emergence of industrial capitalism. My impression is that Pomeranz
thinks 3 is confirmed by Philip Hoffmann's study of the rising
productivity of French peasants and France's later industrialization.

Pomeranz also seems to think 5 is supported by Robert Allen's study of
England's agrarian capitalism (Inikori may be drawing on Allen
as well), and  4 is validated by industrialization on continental
Europe. Pomeranz may however willing be to accept 2 while adding the
other necessary condition of the abolishing of the land constraint that
was in effect throughout Eurasia before the industrial revolution.

But of course Pomeranz has argued for 7 partially on the grounds that
Jiangnan achieved as high as labor productivity as England in the
18th century and did  not industrialize (any small agricultural
advantage England may have had was probably the result not of true
productivity gains but of overwork and intensification which raised
output per agricultural worker); Brenner and Isett reject 7 on the
grounds that the astounding performance of English agriculture gives no
reason for pessimism that English capitalism could not have
overcome apparent land constraints or shortages of land through even
higher productivity, through trade, through innovation.


Goldstone may be arguing for 2 as well but would add the other necessary
condition of a scientific revolution. Goldstone may reject 7 as
well, in the end, given the possibilities of scientific advance to
abolish land constraints.


Most surprising to me has been Inikori's and Pomeranz's recent statement
of 5. If they can establish 5, it does seem to me that we will
be left at present with a choice between or some combination of
Inikori's and Pomeranz's and Goldstone's respective explanations for
the Industrial Revolution/The Great Divergence. That would be true
even--as Pomeranz has argued--if England had alone achieved a
spectacularly productive agrarian capitalism the connection of the
Industrial Revolution to which remains opaque.

Yours, Rakesh


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
michael at ecst.csuchico.edu
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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