In a message dated 9/18/03 2:16:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Does anybody have a clue about why the Bushies are backtracking?  Why is
Germany caving and agreeing to help?  What does Turkey have to gain by
sending troops?

Everything seems murky to me at this time.

I have a clue.

The economy actually has the Bush administration under pressure as well as the slow escalating war in Iraq and the need of elected officials to explain themselves to the American peoples. Even if you come to power as the result of a coup, you have to explain what you are doing to improve the welfare of the people of your country.

This is abstract but I do not think it is "one thing" making Bush get "humble." As a union rep, I really had to explain everything all of the time to hundreds of people who understood whatever you said different.

I believe the peoples of America are angrier that any of us think; more conservative than any of us think and more willing to push for real change than any of us think.

And then there is the Internet. People are talking and posting different feeling than six months ago. Common people are angry and scared about the future.

Bush is at the "Top of the game."

He needs another terrorist attack to scare the hell out of people. If it is murky for you it is murky for me and everyone else.  If I had to guess based on my limited electoral experience I would say Bush support is far below 50% of the electoral or he would not be moonwalking. I am thinking the 30% range.

For real.

Melvin P.

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