Almost from Day One of the US occupation of Iraq, numerous protests
by Iraqis have been reported by the media, even by the
English-language media for the American audience.  We have even read
some reports of US troops firing onto Iraqi protesters.

My questions:

Has any researcher or organization collated available reports of
Iraqi protests against the occupation, unpaid wages, and other
problems, riots, instances of sabotage of pipelines and power lines,
attacks on the US troops, etc. with a view to producing (preferably
constantly updated) statistics of Iraqi protests (a la Iraq Body
Count at <>, Iraq Coalition Casualties
at <>, and Marc W.
Herold's "A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial
Bombing of Afghanistan" at
<>)?  Has any
researcher or organization mapped the social geography of Iraqi
protests (visually, if possible), a la Mark Ellis-Jones, "States of
Unrest III: Resistance to IMF and World Bank Policies in Poor
Countries in 2002," April 2003,


* Bring Them Home Now! <>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<>, & <>
* Student International Forum: <>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <>
* Solidarity: <>

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