Seems to me you could just tack the deductions on to the next request.

CHeers, ken Hanly

US delays cutting Israel loan aid

Wednesday 17 September 2003, 4:59 Makka Time, 1:59 GMT

Illegal settlement building goes on despite global condemnation

Washington will offer the first $1.6 billion instalment of loan guarantees
to Israel without any cuts - despite Tel Aviv's refusal to stop building
illegal Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

Any deductions, say sources familiar with the US decision, would come out of
later instalments.

Earlier this year, the US agreed to extend up to $9 billion in loan
guarantees to Israel, with up to $3 billion available in the current fiscal
year that ends on 30 September.

Israel sold $1.6 billion in bonds in the US on Tuesday - the start of its
plan to raise money using the fresh US loan guarantees.

It needs the cash to weather a deep recession and fiscal crisis stemming
largely from the three-year-old Palestinian revolt against Israeli

Cuts or restrictions in US aid to Israel have long been urged by critics of
Israel's settlement policy, who point out that building settlements on
occupied land is illegal under international law.


The sources, who are familiar with the US decision but asked not to be
named, said any reductions would come out of the remaining $1.4 billion in
loan guarantees.

"The $1.6 (billion) will be guaranteed," a US official told Reuters. "We
will deduct it from the remainder after guaranteeing the $1.6 (billion)."

US officials said the Bush administration had to report to Congress on the
matter by the end of September. This implied a speedy decision on possible
deductions, although US officials said it could be delayed.

Under US law, the State Department must deduct from the guarantees, on a
dollar for dollar basis, sums that are spent "for activities which the
president determines are inconsistent with the objectives and understandings
reached between the United States and the government of Israel".


Under the US-backed Middle East "road map" peace plan, Israel is required to
freeze illegal settlement activity on the occupied West Bank. Its refusal so
far to do so, coupled with subsequent Palestinian bomb attacks on Israeli
targets, have stalled the road map plan.

The object of any cuts would be to ensure no US money funds illegal
settlements. White House officials said such deductions were not unusual and
were done annually from 1992 to 1998.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the US still had concerns about
the Apartheid wall Israel was building through the West Bank.

US President George Bush has admitted the Apartheid wall - which cuts
through Palestinians towns and farms - makes it hard to develop a viable
Palestinian state. But Washington has not decided whether to make any
related deductions from the loan guarantees.

Israel receives nearly a third of all US foreign grants - close to 20 times
the amount going to the Palestinians. Under Israeli occupation, 70% of
Palestinians survive on less than $2 per day, according to the World Bank

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