It looks like capitalism can make money on anything--in this
sensation-hungry, soul-dead age. What next? The staging of public
executions to fill the states' empty coffers?

Band promises concert suicide
From correspondents in Tampa, Florida
October 1, 2003

A FLORIDA-BASED rock band that has promised that an unidentified
terminally ill person will suicide on stage during an October concert is
fighting a legal battle to have the show go on.

Yesterday the St Petersburg City Council passed an emergency ordinance
that makes suicide for commercial or entertainment purposes illegal, as
a way of countering the rock band Hell on Earth's promise to show an
onstage suicide during an October 4, 2003 concert in the city.

Precisely where the concert will be is uncertain.

The State Theatre in St Petersburg was the scheduled venue for the
concert, but the theatre has cancelled the performance.

The band has until Thursday to have a hearing before Pasco-Pinellas
Counties Circuit Judge John Lenderman to explain why they should be
allowed to proceed with the concert and the scheduled suicide.

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