Thanks for that interesting slice of life, Jurrian!

Mike B)
--- Jurriaan Bendien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Youssef's brother Redouane visited us tonight, and I
> had a conversation with
> him in the kitchen, in bad German, telling him about
> the financial
> accounting for war costs in Iraq was developing
> (Redouane has worked for
> Moroccan banks implementing digitalised financial
> management systems) by
> appropriating new private assets in Iraq,
> establishing an Iraq futures
> market, obtaining contributions from other
> countries, and shifting the
> financial burden to Western and Iraqi taxpayers.
> Redouane agreed, it was a bad business.
> "You got a job yet ?", I asked.
> "No", he said, "But I might go and sell cars in
> Paris, I will do something."
> Youssef asked, "have you seen the photo's of
> Redouane's two daughters ?".
> I said, "No, but I would be interested to see them."
> Redouane went to fetch the photo's from Youssef's
> room, and show them to me,
> two goodlooking, attractive, happy girls, and I said
> I was impressed. I
> joked a little, by way of doubt, "well at least the
> photo's prove, anyway,
> that they can look very beautiful if they want to".
> Then I said, "But why are you not with them now, I
> mean, how could you not
> want to be with them ?".
> Redouane looked a bit sad, and indicated this wasn't
> possible. He had been
> separated from his wife for some time now.
> "We are living in false times", he said. "Es ist
> eine falschen Zeit."
> "Why false ?", I asked. "Too many lies, perhaps ?".
> "It is just the way the world is", said Redouane.
> "Egoism, too much egoism."
> I asked him to explain further. Redouane shrugged.
> "Take for example Iraq,
> they destroyed a museum with exhibits of the
> national heritage of the
> country", he said.
> I explained, that this did not matter so much to the
> bourgeoisie anyhow, in
> the wider scheme of things, because exhibits in a
> museum by definition
> cannot usually be traded, and therefore you cannot
> accumulate private
> capital from them, except through charging for entry
> and perceptual access
> to the exhibits in the museum, but profitability was
> not so high there (and
> if the charges were too high, then people would not
> visit the museum). Only
> if you could loot the museum, then you could
> accumulate private capital with
> the exhibits perhaps. I knew, that Iraqi's
> themselves had also looted on
> occasions.
> But, I said, "Suppose now that, instead of exhibits
> in a museum, you could
> exhibit a person, and charge people for perceptual
> access to a person, or a
> meeting with a person, for example me, what would
> you have then ?".
> Redouane was silent, and thought about it, but said
> nothing.
> "Hollywood", I joked.
> Redouane had to laugh too, "Yeah, Hollywood", he
> said.
> On that note, we looked each other in the eye, shook
> hands.
> Lateron I asked Youssef about Redouane's car
> business idea. "Ah, you should
> talk to him about it, if you want", he said (because
> Redouane was staying
> here tonight). So I went to Redouane in Youssef's
> room, to check out what
> the story was.
> "You know", he said, "working for peanuts is all
> very fine, but you and I
> could start a business, we could buy a BMW in
> Germany and sell it in Paris.
> Think about that."
> I explained that this was legally prohibited by my
> father's will, but
> promised I would think about his idea.
> Jurriaan

"A man's maturity consists in finding once again the seriousness he had
as a child at play."

Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (500 B.C.)

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