
Joanna ________________________________

Baghdad Hotel...
Baghdad Hotel was bombed today on Al-Sa adun street, which is a
mercantile area in Baghdad. Al-Sa adun area is one of the oldest areas
in Baghdad. The street is lined with pharmacies, optometrists,
photographers, old hotels, doctors, labs, restaurants, etc.

The Baghdad Hotel is known to be  home  the CIA and some prominent
members from the Governing Council. No one is sure about the number of
casualties yet- some say its in the range of 15 dead, and 40 wounded&
while other reports say 8 dead and 40 wounded.

There were other bombings in Baghdad- one in Salhiya, one in Karrada
(near the two-storey bridge).

- posted by river @ 1:47 AM

Palms and Punishment... Everyone has been wondering about the trees being cut down in Dhuluaya area <>. Dhuluaya is an area near Sammara, north of Baghdad. It s an area popular for its wonderful date palms, citrus trees and grape vines. The majority of the people who live in the area are simple landowners who have been making a living off of the orchards they ve been cultivating for decades.

Orchards in many areas in Iraq- especially central Iraq- are almost like
oases in the desert. From kilometers away, you can see the vivid green
of proud date palms shimmering through the waves of heat and smoke,
reaching for a sky rarely overcast. Just seeing the orchards brings a
sort of peace.

There are over 500 different kinds of palm trees in Iraq. They vary in
type from short, stocky trees with a shock of haphazard, green fronds&
to long, slim trees with a collection of leaves that seem almost
symmetrical in their perfection. A palm tree is known as a  nakhla  and
never fails to bring a sense of satisfaction and admiration. They are
the pride and joy of Iraqi farmers and landowners. A garden isn t
complete if there isn t a palm tree gracing it. We locate houses by
giving the area, the street and then,  Well, it s the fourth- no, wait&
the fifth house on the left& or was it the right? Oh never mind- it s
the house on the street with the tallest palm tree.

The palm trees, besides being lovely, are highly useful. In the winter
months, they act as  resorts  for the exotic birds that flock to Iraq.
We often see various species of birds roosting between the leaves,
picking on the sweet dates and taunting the small boys below who can t
reach the nests. In the summer months, the  female palms  provide
hundreds of dates for immediate consumption, storage, or processing.

In Iraq, there are over 300 different types of dates- each with its own
name, texture and flavor. Some are dark brown, and soft, while others
are bright yellow, crunchy and have a certain  tang  that is particular
to dates. It s very difficult to hate dates- if you don t like one type,
you are bound to like another. Dates are also used to produce  dibiss ,
a dark, smooth, date syrup. This dibiss is eaten in some areas with
rice, and in others it is used as a syrup with bread and butter. Often
it is used as a main source of sugar in Iraqi sweets.

Iraqi  khal  or vinegar is also produced from dates& it is dark and
tangy and mixed with olive oil, makes the perfect seasoning to a fresh
cucumber and tomato salad. Iraqi  areg , a drink with very high
alcoholic content, is often made with dates. In the summer, families
trade baskets and trays of dates- allowing neighbors and friends to
sample the fruit growing on their palms with the enthusiasm of proud
parents showing off a child s latest accomplishment...

Every bit of a palm is an investment. The fronds and leaves are dried
and used to make beautiful, pale-yellow baskets, brooms, mats, bags,
hats, wall hangings and even used for roofing. The fronds are often
composed of thick, heavy wood at their ends and are used to make lovely,
seemingly-delicate furniture- similar to the bamboo chairs and tables of
the Far East. The low-quality dates and the date pits are used as animal
feed for cows and sheep. Some of the date pits are the source of a
sort of  date oil  that can be used for cooking. The palm itself, should
it be cut down, is used as firewood, or for building.

My favorite use for date pits is& beads. Each pit is smoothed and
polished by hand, pierced in its center and made into necklaces, belts
and rosaries. The finished product is rough, yet graceful, and wholly

Palm trees are often planted alongside citrus trees in orchards for more
than just decoration or economy. Palm trees tower above all other trees
and provide shade for citrus trees, which whither under the Iraqi sun.
Depending on the type, it takes some palm trees an average of 5   10
years to reach their final height (some never actually stop growing),
and it takes an average of 5 -7 years for most palms to bear fruit.

The death of a palm tree is taken very seriously. Farmers consider it
devastating and take the loss very personally. Each tree is so unique,
it feels like a member of the family... I remember watching scenes from
the war a couple of days after the bombing began- one image that stuck
in my mind was that of a palm tree broken in half, the majestic fronds
wilting and dragging on the ground. The sight affected me almost as much
as the corpses.

Historically, palm trees have represented the rugged, stoic beauty of
Iraq and its people. They are a reminder that no matter how difficult
the circumstances, there is hope for life and productivity. The palm
trees in the orchards have always stood lofty and resolute- oblivious of
heat, political strife or war& until today.

One of the most famous streets in Baghdad is  shari3 il mattar  or  The
Airport Street . It is actually two streets- one leading to Baghdad
Airport and the other leading from it, into Baghdad. The streets are
very simple and plain. Their magnificence lay in the palm trees growing
on either side, and in the isle separating them. Entering Baghdad from
the airport, and seeing the palm trees enclosing you from both sides, is
a reminder that you have entered the country of 30 million palms.

Soon after the occupation, many of the palms on these streets were
hacked down by troops for  security reasons . We watched, horrified, as
they were chopped down and dragged away to be laid side by side in mass
graves overflowing with brown and wilting green. Although these trees
were beautiful, no one considered them their livelihood. Unlike the
trees Patrick Cockburn describes in Dhuluaya.

Several orchards in Dhuluaya are being cut down& except it s not only
Dhuluaya& it s also Ba aquba, the outskirts of Baghdad and several other
areas. The trees are bulldozed and trampled beneath heavy machinery. We
see the residents and keepers of these orchards begging the troops to
spare the trees, holding up crushed branches, leaves and fruit- not yet
ripe- from the ground littered with a green massacre. The faces of the
farmers are crushed and amazed at the atrocity. I remember one wrinkled
face holding up 4 oranges from the ground, still green (our citrus fruit
ripens in the winter) and screaming at the camera-  Is this freedom? Is
this democracy?!  And his son, who was about 10, stood there with tears
of rage streaming down his cheeks and quietly said,  We want 5 troops
dead for each tree they cut down& five troops.  A  terrorist , perhaps?
Or a terrorized child who had to watch his family s future hacked down
in the name of democracy and freedom?

Patrick Cockburn says that Dhuluaya is a Sunni area- which is true.
Sunnis dominate Dhuluaya. What he doesn t mention is that the Khazraji
tribe, whose orchards were assaulted, are a prominent Shi a tribe in Iraq.

For those not interested in reading the article, the first line
summarizes it perfectly,  US soldiers driving bulldozers, with jazz
blaring from loudspeakers, have uprooted ancient groves of date palms as
well as orange and lemon trees in central Iraq as part of a new policy
of collective punishment of farmers who do not give information about
guerrillas attacking US troops.

&which reminds me of another line from an article brought to my
attention yesterday&
A dozen years after Saddam Hussein ordered the vast marshes of
southeastern Iraq drained, transforming idyllic wetlands into a barren
moonscape to eliminate a hiding place for Shiite Muslim political

Déjà vu, perhaps? Or maybe the orchards differ from the marshlands in
that Saddam wasn t playing jazz when he dried up the marshlands&

- posted by river @ 1:40 AM

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