Counterpunch, October 20, 2003

The Dirty War of the Tough-Minded Liberals
Democrats Seek to Disappear Chomsky & Nader

About two weeks ago, I reviewed Diana Johnstone's Fools' Crusade, an
excellent book that takes a critical look at U.S. and European
intervention in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Johnstone explains how a large
number of people on the political left fell so deeply for the propaganda
campaign to Hitlerize the regime of Slobodan Milosevic that they were
willing to support NATO's brutal weeks-long aerial bombardment of Serbia.

Soon after writing the review, I came across an op-ed piece in the
Washington Post by E.J. Dionne that proved Johnstone's thesis was not
exclusively applicable to the period of Yugoslavia's breakup. Certain
left-of-center opinion-makers are as feverish for U.S. wars of conquest
in the 21st century as they were for the military campaigns against
Serbia in the 1990s. In the post-9/11 world, liberals have forgotten
that, as Johnstone explains, "humanitarian intervention was the standard
pretext for all the Western imperialist conquests of the past."

In his column, Dionne confers high praise on a new book edited by George
Packer entitled "The Fight Is For Democracy," which contains writings by
what Dionne calls a "gathering of tough-minded liberals." What makes
these liberals so tough-minded? In Dionne's mind, a tough-minded liberal
(TML) is someone who's not afraid to give the U.S. military a green
light to wage war under certain circumstances. In other words, the
TMLers support invading and pillaging countries as long as the invading
and pillaging is performed in the name of American democracy.

Dionne locates rhetorical gems in Packer's book that he believes prove
certain liberals "are ready to criticize their own side." Here, Dionne
distorts the debate over U.S. foreign policy occurring on the left.
Since when did Noam Chomsky and others of his libertarian socialist bent
switch to the Democratic Party's side? I would suggest that Dionne's
American empire-loving liberals are as far apart ideologically from the
legions of Chomskyites as members of Social Democrat Friedrich Ebert's
regime, who used the German Freikorps to kill Rosa Luxembourg in 1919,
were from the leftist revolutionaries of post-World War I Germany.



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