So Intel says California is not willing to bribe the company enough to
expand here.  I don't know what Oregon gave the company, but I recall
that Ariz's subsidy was huge.  Intel made outrageous demands on Cal.

INTEL TO CALIFORNIA: WE'RE OUTTA HERE Intel chief executive Craig
Barnett says his company -- one of the biggest success stories of
California's Silicon Valley -- has ruled out any plans to expand in that
state, because of what he characterized as 20 years of political
mismanagement of the California economy. "California has to treat
business as something it has to attract and nurture." Over the past
decade, Oregon has displaced California as the state with the largest
number of Intel employees, and Arizona now has more Intel employees than
Silicon Valley, where the company's headquarters remain. Barrett notes
that, while much of the world seeks to lure high-tech businesses,
California is focused on providing support to such "19th century"
industries as agriculture, steel and shrimp farming. He also pointed out
that India, China and Russia alone now have somewhere between 250
million and 500 million highly educated knowledge workers between them,
a number that surpasses not just the population of California but that
of the entire U.S. (Reuters/21 Oct 2003)


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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