All you radical economists and lovers of James O and Mike Davis. . .read about what's going on in the field now. . .

A few days ago the Midwest was host to a dynamic environmental sociology conference that spoke to many of the issues currently being discussed on this list. It was called
"The Environment and the Treadmill of Production" Conference at the University of Wisconsin October 31 to November 1st. See:

Referenced at the conference was the important 1980 book, The Environment: From Surplus to Scarcity by Allan Schnaiberg, Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University. Dr. Schnaiberg was a keynote presenter at the meetings. Though the book has been out of print since 1987, Dr. Schnaiberg has arranged to have the book scanned, and made available as a set of pdf files, at:

To see who was speaking and on what topics, see:

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