Forwarded from Gernot Köhler

Louis Proyect circulated an interesting quotation from Ernest Mandel,
Marxist Economic Theory, recently (see below). Mandel's expression of
forms of surplus-value" caught my attention. The second form of surplus
value a la Mandel refers to the well-known historical fact of plundering
pillage of Third World societies by Europeans in the period 1500 - 1800
beyond. (See, details in Mandel's quotation below.) While other Marxist
authors do not call that value by the name of "surplus value", but
(imperialist) "pillage" and "plunder", the observation itself is widely
shared in the Marxist literature. The reason why that is not generally
called "surplus value", is, most likely, that Marx did not call it that.

I find Mandel's formulation - namely, that this constitutes a second
form of
surplus value, appealing and important for theory. The fact that a
of observers does not subsume this value under "surplus value" has, in
opinion, the effect that, somewhere along the analytic path from
historiography of capitalism to the analysis of the present state of
capitalism, this second form
of surplus value drops out of sight of the analysis for most Marxist
observers. Two exceptions that I can think of are Mandel and Samir Amin,
calls this value "transfer value". Surplus value is commonly
and calculated for the territorial unit of the nation-state. (Good
is Mosely for USA.) However, in a global view of the world economy
(capitalism, imperialism), Mandel's second form of surplus value would
appear to be a most important category. How else can you come to terms
facts like: a pair of shoes sells for 70 cents US FOB from the Chinese
border and sells for $35 in US retail?

Amin uses the term "transfer value" in the context of his discussion of
unequal exchange, which is strangely rejected by many leftists. But the
concept of transfer value (Amin) = second form of surplus value (Mandel)

could, in my opinion, also be defined in a less exchange-oriented and a
production-oriented analysis. In any case, I have made an attempt to
the relationship between transfer value (Amin) and surplus value
first form of it) (see, Kohler-Tausch, Global Keynesianism, Unequal
and Global Exploitation, cahpter on surplus value and transfer value)
reached the conclusion that the quantities of
the two forms of value must be added, in order to arrive at an estimate
the global aggregate of value extracted from the global mass of working

Reading Mandel's quotation with the "two forms of surplus-value", it
that there is a peculiar inconsistency in the Marxist literature,
that (imperialist) pillage and plunder is an accepted fact, as far as
genesis of capitalism is concerned, but that it somehow drops out of
or is not properly conceptualized and quantified as one approaches the
analysis of the present world situation.

Gernot Köhler

Extract from Proyect's post:
Ernest Mandel and the Brenner thesis
by Louis Proyect
pen-l, 06 November 2003

. . . snip>

You must have a read a different Ernest Mandel than the one I am

He wrote in "Marxist Economic Theory":

>>In the decisive formative period of the capitalist mode of production,

extending from the sixteenth to the end of the eighteenth century, the

creation of the world market was of crucial importance. Its main

results for the primitive accumulation of capital in Western Europe

have been examined above. But all through this period of the birth of

capitalism the two forms of surplus-value appeared at each step. On

one hand, it was the outcome of the surplus labour of the wage workers

hired by the capitalists; on the other, it was the outcome of vales

stolen, plundered, seized by tricks, pressure or violence from the

overseas peoples with whom the western world had made contact. From

the conquest and pillage of Mexico and Peru by the Spaniards the

sacking of Indonesia by the Portuguese and the Dutch and the ferocious

exploitation of India by the British, the history of the sixteenth and

eighteenth centuries is an unbroken chain of deeds of brigandage which

were so many acts of international concentration of vaIues and capital

in Western Europe, the enrichment of which was for, in the literal

sense of the word, by the impoverishment of plundered areas.

It can be stated unhesitatingly that the contribution made by this

capital was decisive for the accumulation of the commercial capital

and money capital which, between 1500 and 1750, created the conditions

which proved propitious for the industrial revolution. It is difficult

to calculate the total amount involved, but if one takes into account

only the most substantial contributions these add up to a staggering


Hamilton estimates at over 500 million gold pesos the total amount

gold and silver exported from Latin America between 1503 and 1660.

According to Colenbrander, the total value of the dividends,

officials' remittances and cargoes of spices taken out of Indonesia by

the Dutch East India Company amounted to 600 million gold forms for

the period 1650-1780. On the basis of the calculations made by Father

Rinchon, we know that profits from the slave trade amounted in

eighteenth-century France to nearly half a billion livres tournois

(without including the profit arising from the work done by the

slaves, which came to several billion livres).' The profits obtained

from the labour of the negroes in the British West Indies amounted to

£200 to £300 million.<<

. . . snip>


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
michael at
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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