No, I'm arguing, that advertising isn't netural; I'm arguing that its
rhetoric has an implicit message, that this implicit message is a form
of brainwashing, and that a free society should not promote brainwashing.

My point about the seven deadlies is not an assertion to be taken on
faith, but an experiment I'm urging everyone to try. What I'm saying is
that advertising is about a lot more than the particular product being
peddled; it's about fortifying thought's deadly requirement that
pleasure be permanently and safely extended.

I dont' want ANY messages, healthy or not, being broadcast about. I was
never exposed to any form of advertisement until I emigrated to Paris in
63...and then to the US in 64. My immediate reaction to it was that I
felt manipulated and insulted. I still feel that way.


andie nachgeborenen wrote:

In other words, Joannah, advertising contains content
you disapprove of. Now, seems to me we have a pretty
good rule in this country about regulation of speech
based on content, namely, we don't do it if the speech
is not incitrement to immanent unlawful activity,
obscene, or a solicitaion to a crime. You sound pretty
dour and puritanical there, Seven Deadly Sins, and all
that. Presumably you want only Healthy Messages
broadcast about . . . jks

Sometimes you shock me. There are many, many good
reasons to get rid of
advertising. Off the top of my head:
1. Advertising suggests that we are missing
something, that we are
incomplete, and that we can only be completed
through consumption.
2. Advertising intrudes upon the public space.
3. Advertising (the sort that is beamed on the
telly, interrupting
something every ten minutes) is not only a violation
of the viewer's
integrity and the integrity of the show/movie/etc
being interrupted, but
it is an implicit attack on the very notion of
4. Advertising is the modern celebration of the
seven deadly sins. I
mean that quite literally: watch ANY advertisement
and ask yourself what
is the underlying theme here: lust? gluttony? sloth?
envy? wrath? greed?


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