Nov. 12, 2003

Even though both houses of Congress responded to your appeals by
voting to block President Bush's overtime pay cuts, the
president is refusing to withdraw his pay cuts and says he will
veto final legislation protecting overtime pay. Back-room
maneuvering by the Bush administration and House Republican
leaders has made it increasingly likely that the overtime pay
protections we won will not make it out of Congress this year.
Bush's Labor Department could put the overtime pay cuts into
effect as soon as January.

We still have a final chance to stop President Bush from taking
away overtime pay from some 8 million workers if we make our
voices heard. As many people as possible need to contact their
senators and U.S. representative and tell them not to come home
for the holidays without acting to protect overtime pay. Click
below to take action or keep reading for more information.

How did this outrageous betrayal happen? After both the Senate
and the House of Representatives passed measures to block
President Bush's overtime pay take-away, a hand-picked committee
of members of both of these bodies met behind closed doors to
hammer out differences between the two versions of the overtime
pay protections.

House Republican leaders--working with President Bush's
lobbyists--stacked the committee with legislators who support
Bush's overtime pay take-away. So despite congressional votes to
block President Bush's overtime pay take-away, millions of
America's workers are likely to lose it soon.

Please take one minute right now to send a message to your
senators and representative by clicking on the link below. Tell
them not to come home for the holidays without acting to protect
overtime pay.

It is increasingly clear that President Bush will not withdraw
his overtime pay take-away. That is why it is so important that
as many people as possible get involved before it is too late.
Please don't forget to spread the word. There are two ways to do
this: After you take action, forward this e-mail or part of it
to as many people as possible. Or click on the link below to
send a message to up to 10 of your friends, family members and

The sweeping changes in America's work life President Bush is
pushing will hurt millions of working families. Paychecks will
be smaller. Work hours will be longer. Job quality will be
worse. This is a sad moment in U.S. history--President Bush is
taking America back nearly 70 years.

Please take action and then spread the word. Thanks for all you

Click on the link below for more information
from your union, online activism and benefits.

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