"The best they can hope for is that some sort of capitalist economic
structures will continue to be able to colonize
Iraq aided by the work of
condescending saviours. The worst could be far worse than

Iraq WITH SECOND OR FIRST OIL Reserves will not be allowed to go the way of Somalia, which has bananas and goats, nor can it be held together now without a brutal dictatorship.

pragmatic capitalism works if the stakes are small and the gains are short termish, but it lacks vision and scope when it comes to big game or to predicates underpinning its survival. a near east process underwritten by violence or the potential for the outbreak of violence may have worked when oil was plenty and Israel injected the necessary dose of regional insecurity that siphoned Arab surplus, etc. but now oil will be scarce and too much instability will transgress and breed the opposite result for capital. the oecd cannot tolerate the US militarism  of the past. the system altogether stands to lose.


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