Not to mention the films -- a significant slice of the great art of the
twentieth century. In the visual arts, they were the bomb!. And then
there were the writers: Akhmatova, Yesenin, Trifonov, Bulgakov, and
lots, lots more that I just don't know about ...
...and the dancers -- Galina Ulanova, Nureyev...


Devine, James wrote:

I'm no aesthete, but a lot of Russian art after the 1917 revolution was very good.

("I don't know much about art, but I know the price.")


      -----Original Message-----
      Sent: Sat 11/15/2003 10:53 AM
      Subject: Re: [PEN-L] the Clinton years

      Joanna writes:
      > That is why, perhaps, art is the first weapon.

Can you suggest any good socialist art? I've heard of a socialist realism movement in literature, but haven't found any specific authors. There are very few films that I know of that have a pro-worker, anti-capitalist bent, and the only one I can name off the top of my head is "Wall Street." I can't think of a painter aside from Diego Rivera. Who are some contemporary artists who grapple with the issues of workers' rights, socialism, and capital?

The purpose of art is to make revolution appealing.

Benjamin Gramlich

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