The functions of "hand-outs" are ambiguous. At one and the same time,
they both provide a measure of independence from the marketplace and
maintain the reserve army of labor. Since it is impossible to resolve
this ambiguity with each individual, pressure from below for full
employment at higher wages plus universalistic social benefits is a far
better interim strategy.

Joel Blau


Hand-outs don't enable people for self-suffiency. Those who are capable of self-sufficiency ought to be. I work in a psychiatrice emergency room at the county hospital in Minneapolis, MN. Many of the patients who come through here expect us to give them handouts--bus fare, food, money for cigarettes, etc. By giving them hand-outs we enable them to be bottom feeders, and don't restore them to a functional place within society. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for social welfare programs. But in my experience if the hand-out comes at no cost to the recipient, the recipient is less likely to take responsibility for his role within society.


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