I thing that planning is possible nationally for agriculture, industry and the services, but planning the technological progress is possible only globally. Technology progress means unemployment, and that was not acceptable in the Soviet Union, so the bureaucracy waited for a stability in technological progress to introduce it without unemployment, but the stability never came. All Soviet planning was based on the old paradigm of petroleum, electricity, fordism and taylorism. It could not introduce the new techologies without generating unemployment in the civilian sectors, since technologies were always changing. The abolition of whole employment destroyed the popularity of the Soviet system.
Renato Pompeu
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: [PEN-L] The Soviet Union and high technology: Correction

Should read:

Planning IS NOT a property relation and socialism as a political form of property, means
reproduction outside of the law system that compels private capital to follow
a circuit of profitability.

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