*****   The New York Times In America
November 26, 2003
Army Says Troop Rotation Into Iraq Poses Increased Danger

WASHINGTON, Nov. 25 — Senior Army officers have told Defense Secretary
Donald H. Rumsfeld that the rotation of more than 100,000 soldiers into
Iraq early next year will present a great risk for American forces, with
officials saying they must prepare for a surge in attacks on troops who
may be more vulnerable during the transition.

The worry, according to Pentagon and military officials, is based on a
number of factors, including a temporary increase in the number of
troops present in Iraq during the rotation and the prospect that they
will be traveling across unfamiliar territory before reaching more
secure bases.

"There will be a lot of movement, a lot of forces in transit," one Army
officer said. "This raises serious force protection issues for us."

While recognizing these risks, American commanders in Iraq say proper
planning could result in significant advantages that could help offset
the dangers.

According to Pentagon and military officials, commanders are planning to
take advantage of the overlap of arriving and departing soldiers, which
offers a natural, if temporary, increase in troop strength without the
politically contentious process of requesting additional forces.

Gen. John P. Abizaid, commander of American and coalition forces in the
region, is said by senior Pentagon officials to be well into planning
for new operations intended to help stabilize Iraq and to capture or
kill anti-American fighters during the rotation period. Officers
declined to discuss specific plans being considered.

During the troop rotation, which will take place roughly from February
to May, more than 105,000 troops will flow into Iraq to replace the
current deployment of about 130,000.

A senior Pentagon official said that during planning discussions for the
rotation, Mr. Rumsfeld was told by senior officers that "the more
American forces you have over there, the more targets the other guys have."

This issue, the official said, "was raised in all of its context: What
happens when you have that many more U.S. forces? What are the
opportunities? What are the risks?" Senior military officers expressed
concerns "not as a warning, but said it is definitely a factor," the
Pentagon official added.

Those worries did prompt the Army to begin a series of tabletop
simulations to plan for protecting American forces during the rotation,
Army officers said.

Military analysts outside the Pentagon added another cautionary note,
pointing out that the rotation comes during the presidential primary
season, which may allow anti-American forces to think they can influence
American politics.

Guerrilla insurgencies "are ultimately about affecting political will,"
said Loren Thompson, an analyst with the Lexington Institute, a
Washington-area policy research center.

Even as the White House and Pentagon describe plans for decreasing
American troop numbers by spring as driven by military requirements and
not domestic politics, anti-American forces are aware of the election
cycle and probably hope their violence will diminish support for the
effort in Iraq, Mr. Thompson said.

"They see their attacks as a potentially significant issue for the
president's re-election," he said.

The bulk of the new troops will first gather at bases in the region
outside Iraq, where they will become acclimated to the terrain and
weather and join up with their heavy equipment before entering Iraq.

Plans then call for arriving units to overlap with those they replace,
conducting joint missions. . . .

The coming rotation is described by senior Army officers as the largest
American troop movement in such a time frame since World War II.

Senior Pentagon officials said Tuesday that Mr. Rumsfeld was readying
another set of alert orders for reservists to prepare for possible duty
in Iraq next year, and that 2,000 to 3,000 additional active-duty
marines might also be added to the rotation of forces entering Iraq next

<http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/26/international/middleeast/26TROO.html> *****

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