This follows up some things Louis has been saying. First, let me quote myself (please note that the long quote reflects what mainstream economists think and what some progressive support in part, but not what I think):

"Why are there rich countries and poor countries? This question implies a more fundamental one: Why are some countries poor? What is missing in them that is present in the rich countries? The neoclassical answer to this question has various strands. Since neoclassical economists see capitalist economies as much more productive than any prior economic system, they contend that one reason why some countries are poor is that they are as yet insufficiently capitalist. Forty percent of the world's workforce is still in agriculture. In the poorest nations, much of this agriculture is relatively primitive, labor-intensive farming. This agriculture is inherently inefficient; a large outlay of hard labor is necessary just to feed rural families. There is little surplus to feed urban dwellers, much less trade with other countries.

What is true for agriculture is true of much of the rest of the poor economies. The main problem is low productivity. What makes an economy productive, capable of raising its output with fewer inputs, is capital. Poor countries are poor, the neoclassical economist tells us, because they lack capital. Without capital, the cannot use modern capitalist techniques of production and must resort instead to highly labor intensive work processes. Capital is not just machinery and modern technology, however. It is also a trained and skilled workforce. Poor countries lack what the neoclassical economist calls "human capital." Poorly educated and trained workers are bound to be relatively unproductive.

The poverty of a nation, deriving from the lack of capital, in turn impoverishes the government, which cannot perform certain vital functions, such as maintaining the law and order necessary for smoothly operating markets. People unable to support themselves adequately otherwise will try to use the government for their own advancement. Thus poor countries show a marked proclivity for public corruption, and this makes the economy still less productive, as valuable resources are stolen or used to support a swollen state bureaucracy.

A look at the rich countries reinforces the neoclassical arguments. In all of the rich countries, almost all economic activity goes through markets and is subject to competitive market discipline. Only the efficient survive in such markets. Agriculture takes up a tiny fraction of the labor force, and farming is ultra modern, with the ubiquitous use of sophisticated machinery and equipment. As a consequence, agriculture is extremely productive, producing a large surplus over basic consumption needs, both for rural communities and the nation as a whole. The labor displaced from agriculture provides workers for industry, and capitalist competition soon develops industry, providing a surplus of labor for work in the service sectors now dominant in all rich capitalist countries. The states of rich countries have sufficient resources, because incomes are high, to finance infrastructure and the institutions necessary to make the economic system still more efficient. Workers are highly educated and trained to be ever more productive. The chance to move up the economic ladder—absent in poor countries—keeps workers on their toes, working hard, and making their economies productive. In the rich countries, fully developed markets create an environment in which prosperity feeds on itself. Wealth creates opportunities, the seizing of which creates more wealth: a virtuous circle of growth, opportunities (realizable through market competition), growth.

What does the neoclassical economic advisor recommend to the poor nations? First and foremost, a poor nation must attract the requisite capital. Since the rich countries have the capital, the poor countries must obtain capital from them. This means opening up domestic economies to foreign capital. Any barriers to foreign capital, such as rules which limit foreign ownership or access to domestic currency, must be eliminated. Strong government structures must be put in place to guarantee the safety of foreign (and domestic) capital. Capital must be assured that it will not be nationalized or otherwise expropriated, and it must be certain that it will get to keep whatever profits it makes, minus a fair share for domestic taxes. Capitalists must not be forced to pay bribes to operate. Tariffs on foreign products must be speedily eliminated, so that cheaper foreign goods can get into the country and benefit domestic consumers.

To make economic progress, a country must be willing to specialize in those goods for which it has a relative cost advantage. In poor countries, labor is cheap, so specialization can begin in those areas where foreign capital is looking for relatively cheap labor. In addition, many poor countries are especially suited for the production of certain agricultural commodities and minerals. Foreign capital should have access to the land and mines (through purchase on the market, of course). These enterprises could then hire the abundant labor to help produce crops and minerals for export. The foreign exchange earned from the exports could finance imports of other necessary capital equipment. As these sectors develop, they will naturally become more modern and capital intensive, freeing labor for production of manufacturing goods in urban areas. Then a similar process will occur there, and eventually production will shift to services as the poor country comes more and more to resemble the rich nations.

Poor countries can be helped along through foreign aid from rich countries and loans, perhaps on favorable terms, from multinational agencies like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. These can help governments to build the infrastructure necessary for efficient market operations, from roads and dams to modern financial markets. Along with taxes from rising wage incomes and business profits, loans can help nations to build modern state bureaucracies, uncorrupted and responsive to democratic processes. Money can be spent for education and training, so that workers can take advantage of the growing demand for skilled labor that neoclassical economists assume accompanies economic growth.

If poor nations actively encourage the development of markets, open up their economies to foreign capital, and build modern state structures, the neoclassical theory predicts that over time there will be a convergence between per capita incomes in the poor and rich nations. The demand for labor in the poor countries will be relatively greater than the demand for labor in the rich countries, and this will cause wages in the poor nations to rise relative to wages in the rich nations. The relatively greater investment in the poor countries, attracted initially by the high rates of return, will cause the poor nations' economies to grow relatively more rapidly than the rich ones. This means a convergence of GDPs per capita, assuming that population growth is not larger in the poor countries. This should not be the case, however, since higher economic growth rates will discourage large family size as they have in the rich countries. In addition, some persons will emigrate from the poor countries, attracted by higher wages, and this will further reduce population growth."

It is curious that some radicals appear to accept elements of this analysis. They seem to take it as inevitable that rural people will be uprooted from their land and move to work in the towns and cities. They even claim that there is something liberating about this, as peasants escape the idiocy of rural life (but see the Notes from the Editors in a recent Monthly Review where it is argued that the appropriate translation for what Marx said is the "isolation of rural life," something perpetrated on peasants by capitalism which leaves rural areas devastated enclaves of very old and very young). What they fail to see is that the destructive forces of capitalism ruin whatever possibilities there were for liberation within rural areas (and denigrate the many struggles by peasants to make better lives in rural areas) and for the integration of rural and nonrural areas. It then appears, from the perspective of a desolated countryside, that migrating peasants achieve a better life in the cities. It may be true that different forms of struggle are possible in cities and in manufacturing enterprises within nonurban areas. But to call working in a maquiladora plant liberating mocks the word. And whatever gains might be achieved by collective actions in the new workplaces and homes can be very quickly undermined, as we see now when the Mexican plants are moving to China.

Even if we look at the U.S. we see similar things. It is true that the peasants and the children of peasants who took up work in the steel mills and auto plants of U.S. cities won better lives for themselves as a result of heroic union struggles. But to suggest that this was liberation as does Jack Metzgar in his new book "Striking Steel" is incorrect in my view. The liberation Jack sees as a consequence of the US Steelworkers efforts in Jack's hometown of Johnstown, PA amounted to a lot more money, better work conditions, freedom from arbitrary boss control, and so on, and these were of great importance to people and represented a sea change from the semi-feudal conditions in Johnstown before the union. But the workers did not win much control over their destinies (and least of all the black workers, who faced discrimination by the union). The liberation lasted a little more than one generation, long enough for Jack to escape (and me too from my factory town) but not long enough to be called a real liberation. The mills of Johnstown are now closed, and the future of the people who live there is not bright. The union is pretty much a memory, as it is in my hometown. After Jack left town, he just visited. But I worked in Johnstown for 32 years while Jack lived a million miles away in Chicago. It is a pretty miserable place now.

Just as there is nothing inherently liberating about the decline of rural areas (and the export agriculture that replaces peasant farming), so too there is nothing inherently liberating about trade. It should be understood by now that capitalism created great inequalities among nations, dividing the world into rich and poor nations, largely by force and violence. Once it did this, the market itself tends very strongly to perpetuate this inequality, with force and violence in reserve but used when necessary. Trade can never be abstracted from this structural inequality.

There is no real chance to change this as long as we operate within the context of capitalism. If this were not so, wouldn't we have seen a lot more development by now? After all, capitalism is not exactly a new system. (Similarly, wouldn't we think that in a country with such phenomenal productiveness as the US, there would be a lot less poverty, low wages, high imprisonment, etc., etc. after all these many years?). No amount of trade, aid, export agriculture, migrations out of rural areas is going to liberate us as long as capitalism rules the world.

Some radicals seem to have a difficult time saying these things. Saying that there is now no way for the urban areas to absorb the billions of peasants at risk of losing access to the land. Saying that we should be looking for ways to keep people attached to the land and to make the land produce food for local consumption. Saying that we should look to Cuba for lessons here. Cuba has managed to achieve near food self sufficiency without capital intensive agriculture and massive does of pesticides. Havana is awash in gardens! And farmers get good education and health care too. Finally saying the word "socialism" and saying clearly and resolutely that it really is socialism or barbarism.


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