Army Reserve battling an exodus
War is seen as drain on ranks
By Robert Schlesinger, Globe Staff, 11/23/2003

WASHINGTON -- The US Army Reserve fell short of its reenlistment
goals this fiscal year, underscoring Pentagon fears that the
protracted conflict in Iraq could cause a crippling exodus from the
armed services.

The Army Reserve has missed its retention goal by 6.7 percent, the
second shortfall since fiscal 1997. It was largely the result of a
larger than expected exodus of career reservists, a loss of valuable
skills because such staff members are responsible for training junior
officers and operating complex weapons systems.

"The Army has invested an enormous amount of money in training these
people, and they're very hard to replace," said John Pike of, an independent research group in Washington.

With extended deployments and increasingly deadly attacks by Iraqi
guerrillas, Defense Department officials are scrambling to combat a
broader downturn in retention and recruitment that they fear is on
the horizon.

The US Army, the primary service deployed in Iraq, is offering
reenlistment bonuses of $5,000 for soldiers serving there. The Army
National Guard is extending an official thank-you to members by
arranging services to honor returning soldiers. The Massachusetts
National Guard is offering rewards ranging from plaques to NASCAR
tickets to members who lure recruits. And throughout the branches,
recruitment advertising is up and programs are being launched to make
the military seem more family-friendly.

The Army also is resorting to a policy called "stop loss" that allows
the Pentagon to indefinitely keep soldiers from leaving the service
once their time has expired. The policy, used during war, is designed
to prevent staffing shortfalls in key sectors.

As the military ponders unpalatable measures -- further Reserve or
Guard call-ups, back-to-back tours of duty -- to fill the global
obligations, any personnel shortfalls could prove disastrous. "It's a
slippery slope in the sense that there's kind of a snowball effect,"
said Andrew F. Krepinevich, executive director of the Center for
Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a Washington think tank that
focuses on defense issues. "It's very difficult to work your way out
of, very difficult to put Humpty Dumpty back together again once you
break the force."

While Pentagon officials have insisted that recruiting and retention
figures are mostly at or above expected levels, thanks in part to a
soft economy that offers little competition, signs of trouble are
emerging. Recruiting for the Massachusetts National Guard, a backup
to the professional Army and Air Force, was down 30 percent this
year. Nationwide, the Army National Guard has fallen 13 percent short
of its recruiting goal, although that deficit was offset by fewer
than expected troops leaving the service.

Perhaps the most troubling statistic is the drop in retention for the
Army Reserve, first disclosed by Army Chief of Staff General Peter
Schoomaker on Wednesday in testimony before Congress. The drop was
due to the Reserve falling 9.3 percent short of its retention goal
among career soldiers.

"They've got a fair amount of experience with these things and
generally manage to fine-tune them so that they pretty much have in
place all of the various incentives and bonuses . . . that they'll
pretty much come in on their number. So if they were off by 6
percent, that's significant," Pike said.

It was the second time in the past seven years that the Reserve has
fallen below its intended reenlistment figure, according to Steve
Stromvall, an Army Reserve spokesman. In the 12 months that concluded
at the end of September 2001, the Reserves was 1 percent short of its
number. That the shortfall was entirely among career soldiers is
important because they are considered the Army's backbone. "They're
critically important," said Cindy Williams, a specialist on military
personnel issues with MIT's Security Studies Program. "That's where
the leadership is going to come from in the next decade."

They are people like Staff Sergeant Scott Durst, a 15-year veteran of
the Army Reserve who extended his enlistment after a tour in Bosnia
but will not sign on for another tour after Iraq, though it will
means he loses the opportunity for retirement benefits. "Not even a
chance, no," said his wife Nancy Durst, a high school art teacher.
"He didn't sign up to be a Reserve to be doing active-duty orders
every year."

She added that her husband, a member of the 94th Military Police
Company, has spent too much time away from their home in southern
Maine and their two teenage daughters.

"I fear there will be a negative impact on retention of these Guard
and Reserve personnel," said Senator Susan Collins, a Republican of
Maine who sits on the personnel subcommittee of the Senate Armed
Services Committee. "There's an old saying in the Army that they
enlist the soldier but reenlist the family, and the new one-year
`boots on the ground' policy for service in Iraq has really upset a
lot of the families with whom I've talked."

According to internal Pentagon surveys conducted last spring and
summer, the overall percentage of troops intending to reenlist
remained steady from last year, at 58 percent. But among those
serving in Iraq, only 54 percent who were surveyed agreed, while 46
percent said they did not want to reenlist.

Michael O'Hanlon, a defense specialist at the Washington-based
Brookings Institution, called the figures "at the threshold of
tolerable. In and of themselves they're not catastrophic, but the
problem is they could get worse because as people increasingly
confirm the reality of returning to Iraq another time these numbers
can be expected to drop further. If you wait too long to address the
trends, then it's too late."

In 2003, the Army's retention goal was 67 percent.

Like the recruiting shortfall in the Guard, the unexpected drop in
the Reserve's 2003 retention was offset by stronger than expected

The Army, which oversees the bulk of troops in Iraq, is not the only
branch of the armed services facing hardships in recruitment and
retention because of the Iraq war.

Air Force Major Joe Allegretti, chief of the Defense Department's
Joint Recruiting Advertising Program, cited a poll of youths
conducted from April through June in which half said the war in Iraq
made them less likely to join the military, and only one-third said
it made them more likely to join.

Sergeant Major James Vales, senior Army counselor in charge of
overseeing active-duty retention policy, said his shop of 740 career
counselors has been answering concerns from members of Congress and
Army leaders about trying to prevent a talent drain.

"We have some things in the works to kind of offset any problems that
we may see in retention," Vales said, citing options ranging from
family-friendly policies like support groups and child care to his
most important tool: cash. "Most of [the effort] is increasing our
retention bonus dollars. . . . The biggest thing soldiers respond to
is monetary incentives."

Reserve and Guard leaders are working to improve relations with
stateside families by setting up support networks, including
"marriage enhancement seminars" run through the Army Reserve's
chaplaincy and designed to address such issues as long separations
during deployments.

Guard leaders also have sent teams into Iraq to work on the problem.
Several soldiers spread between Iraq and Kuwait try to act as
trouble-shooters for unhappy Guard members, checking back twice
weekly with Guard headquarters in the United States, said Colonel
Frank Grass, the Guard's chief of operations.

And thanks to "stop loss," members of the Guard and Reserve cannot
leave the military until 90 days after they have been deactivated.

Robert Schlesinger can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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