*****   Documentary
Venezuela - a 21st Century Revolution

Produced by the Global Women's Strike, May 2003
Duration: 60 minutes   Cost: $15 £10 E15
Crossroads Books   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is not a documentary on Venezuela, but a documentary of
Venezuelans speaking on how they are making this revolution.

"Picketing the Constituent Assembly every day . . . the women's
movement, and the Indigenous movement, got our rights enshrined in
the constitution. . . . Micro credit is an excuse to empower women."
Nora Castañeda, President of the Women's Development Bank

"We women are strong because as single mothers we have been both
mother and father. We are not scared of any golpista."  "Mano Amiga",
cleaning workers co-operative

"The heroic people woke up. They used to step on us, now we all
protest and demand our rights." Co-operative of workers of the Hilton

"To re-establish production was a 24-hour struggle. Oil workers gave
it everything they had and many grassroots people took part." Nelson
Nuñez, President of oil workers' union SITRAPETROL

"We feel as much pain for the world as we do for Venezuela . . . This
revolution is peaceful and democratic, but it is armed . . . We must
win by the only path open to us, the path of the revolution, which is
the path of life." President Hugo Chavez Frias

This documentary aims to help with a better understanding of what
this 21st century revolution is winning for all of us, what we can do
for it and what it can do for us. In England and the US, viewers from
Venezuela and elsewhere, have acclaimed it: "Grassroots people are
full of optimism and aware of their own power." "I have never seen
such confident women." "I cried with joy."

* In 1998 President Chavez was elected by a landslide to tackle
poverty and corruption. The two parties in power for over 40 years
had left 80% of Venezuelans, mostly people of colour, in poverty
despite a lucrative oil industry.

* In 1999, a new constitution framed by the population was voted in.
As laws implementing the constitution were about to come into force,
the US government and Venezuela's white racist elite organized a coup
and kidnapped President Chavez.

* Two days later, on 13 April 2002, millions took to the streets led
by women from the poorest areas. With the support of loyal soldiers
they won back their elected President and their constitution.

* In January 2003, oil managers, the corporate media and corrupt
union leaders tried to stop the revolution by stopping the oil
industry. Again they were defeated.

* The constitution gives land and housing to rural and homeless
people, prioritizes water and food security, promotes co-operatives,
recognizes Indigenous peoples' rights, promotes workers' rights,
equity between women and men, recognizes housework as productive
work, entitles housewives to health care and a pension, promotes
unity among Third World peoples . . . The constitution opposes the
privatization of oil, enabling the population to reclaim its stolen
oil revenue.

* Uniquely, on a continent plagued by US-backed military
dictatorships and disappearances, the Chavez government promotes a
caring use of its military. Soldiers, as well as defending the
revolutionary process, work with and for the community: building
homes, schools, providing healthcare, teaching literacy . . .

In April 2003, the Global Women's Strike was invited to the first
anniversary of the popular uprising that saved the revolution, its
government and constitution. Six of us went, from Argentina, England,
Peru and the US, to celebrate the defeat of the coup.

Special thanks to INAMUJER, the Venezuelan Women's Institute.

There are Bolivarian Circle of the Global Women's Strike in a number
of countries, spreading the achievements of the revolution.

To buy a copy of our documentary:

Crossroads Women's Centre, 230A Kentish Town Rd, London NW5 2AB
Tel: 020 7482 2496
Web: <http://www.allwomencount.net/Publications/Forsalepage.htm>,

<http://www.allwomencount.net/Publications/venezuelavidflyer.htm>   *****

* Bring Them Home Now! <http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<http://www.freepress.org/calendar.php>, & <http://www.cpanews.org/>
* Student International Forum: <http://www.osu.edu/students/sif/>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osudivest.org/>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-Ohio>
* Solidarity: <http://www.solidarity-us.org/>

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