US beef producers resist banning of crippled cattle
  17:23 30 December 03 news service

The US meat industry is resisting the banning of crippled cattle from
human food, despite the discovery of the first case of BSE in an
American cow. The infected cow was a crippled or a "downer" cow,
injured by the birth of a large calf.

The cow confirmed positive for BSE on 25 December, after it was
slaughtered for food in Washington state earlier in the same month.
Meat from the cow was recalled and its herd and offspring were

The discovery confirms the longstanding warnings of European
veterinary experts that BSE could be present in the US. But stringent
controls, including banning crippled cattle from human food, have
been resisted.

The US Department of Agriculture has been testing some 30,000 US
cattle a year for BSE since 2001, targeting downers because European
scientists found such cows were most likely to reveal the presence of
BSE in a herd. A downer first revealed the presence of BSE in
Canadian cattle in May 2003.

Some 20,000 downers are eaten yearly in the US. Canada and European
countries have banned such cattle from human consumption. But the US
National Cattlemen's Beef Association told journalists this week that
it would continue to resist efforts to declare all downers unfit to

Cattle feed ban

US officials are stressing that the infected cow was born in Canada.
But Canadian agriculture minister Bob Speller told a press conference
in Winnipeg on Monday that it might still have contracted the
infection from cattle remains in feed that came from the US. The two
countries' beef industries have been closely linked for decades.

The cow was born four months before a ban on using cattle remains in
cattle feed took effect in the US and Canada in 1997. US officials
stress that, even if there was some infection in the US herd then,
the feed ban would have kept it from spreading.

But critics, including Swiss scientists who reviewed Canada's similar
BSE controls earlier this year, say infection could still have
spread. Cattle remains are still permitted in feed for chickens and
pigs. When the European Union had similar rules, substantial BSE
contamination still managed to enter cattle feed - leading European
countries to ban cattle in all feed.

Cattle blood is also permitted in calf feeds in the US. Blood may
carry BSE. A blood transfusion was suspected to have caused a case of
the human equivalent, vCJD, in the UK, earlier in December (ref).

If any BSE is circulating in US cattle, US consumers may be at risk.
The brain and spinal cord, which harbour most of the infection, are
not removed from most cattle on slaughter. US studies revealed in
2002, that 35 per cent of mechanically recovered meat - the bits
sluiced off carcasses and used to make processed meats such as hot
dogs - contain such tissue.

Debora MacKenzie

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