Rhetorical question? Come on, nobody suggested any such thing. Read it critically, like you would or should read the NY Times, without illusion or denying its specific allegiance to a specific class interest.
We read the WSJ, Financial Times, the WTO, IMF, WB, BIS, BEA, Statistics Canada, ETC ETAL IBID and OPCIT don't we? And Adam Smith, the Physiocrats, Hobbes, Locke.. Hell, I've even read Proyect and Henwood. Have to admit though, never read Ayn Rand or George Gilder I find this sort of thing, the speculator as reformer, to be the verification of the fact that thugs everywhere want to be regarded as gentlemen, or as was said 35 or so years ago by the then fop singer now fop MBE Jagger-- every cop is a criminal... dms