Devine, James wrote:

for what it's worth, that "Tomb" is the building of the Skull &
Bones secret society, the most elite of the Yale secret societies,
which probably includes both Dubya and his father. It's been linked
to the CIA and clearly is a formal organization of the most elite of
the "old [White Anglo-Saxon] boys' network" of US business.
Allegedly, they promise Bonesmen an annual income of something like
1/2 a million dollars, but never have to shell out money, since they
guarantee members good jobs. Maybe Doug Henwood knows this stuff,
though he was not a member (as far as I know).

No I wasn't. The only weird group I belonged to at Yale was the Party of the Right.

Most of what I know about Bones comes from Alexandra Robbins book
Secrets of the Tomb (and it was Jim Craven who put me onto her). I
wrote up the book for the Nation's website
and interviewed her on my radio show

I heard Kevin Phillips on the radio. He seemed to think that the
early Bush/CIA connection made sense in terms of the evidence.

Phillips argued in Post-Conservative America (1986 or so) that the CIA did Nixon in, because the Eastern Establishment never trusted him.


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