Well, Lenin viewed those SD parties as "bourgeois" parties. Certainly if
you read his writings with the
British (Dreadnought & Pankhursts etc) in mind, that is clearly the intent.

No, he did not see them as bourgeois parties. The Kadets in Russia were a bourgeois party, as are the Republican and Democratic parties. A popular front is an alliance between a working class party, either CP or SP, and such parties. The Comintern understood that it was departing from traditions when it called for such alliances in the late 1930s (and onwards.)

Do you mean to say that the Greens can get such people out? I mena more
generally than in the SF area?

The Greens do seem able to reach Latino voters, but have a serious problem reaching blacks.

What are yours & others recommendatiosn on the best sources of that

I'd recommend C. Vann Woodward's book on Tom Watson, the populist leader for one. For a more bird's eye view, I'd recommend Howard Zinn's "People's History of the United States".

Louis Proyect Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

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