Michael Perelman wrote:

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am finding this discussion very
useful.  My interest -- not necessarily support -- of Dean is that his
style might open up a critical discussion of Bush, showing other Dems.
that you can stand up to those bastards.

John Gulick:

What I have to say here is ephemera to be sure, but while I too find Dean's
_style_ refreshing, if anything he is doing more to shut down than open up a
critical discussion
of Bush. All he is doing is animating the conviction of his followers that
Bush is evil incarnate. By
his followers, I refer in the main to two groups -- one, the hard-core DP
faithful who have jumped
on the bandwagon, and two, the naive left-liberal student types, many of
whom seem to be under
the illusion that Dean is the second coming of George McGovern (as many in
the bourgeois press suggest) rather than Jimmy Carter. Both of these groups
are prepossesed with the most muddled of
convictions -- willing on the one hand to entertain the most way-out
single-note conspiracy theories
about Iraq being about nothing other than enriching Halliburton and Bechtel,
and on the other hand
to embrace a candidate who has publicly stated he won't deprive the Pentagon
of a red cent and
whose foreign policy advisory staff is filled to the gills with CFR types
and Clyde Prestowitz. All of this reflects the paucity of US political

John Gulick
Knoxville, TN

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