Dear PEN-L:

You might be interested in my new book from Elgar:

Robert Scott Gassler. Beyond Profit and Self-Interest: Economics with a Broader Scope.

It is out in Europe and will be out in the US in February (I guess that's next week). Without a trace of modesty I'll reproduce the publisher's blurb

"Here is the book Leon Walras should have written, or would have written if he had also been Kenneth Boulding's student. It is ingenious in content and wholesome in attitude. It combines neoclassical economics, departures arguably within neoclassicism, and varieties of heterodox economics, within the ambit of systems theory. It is only one of many possible combinations but it is rich and open-ended. Its attitude is especially striking. Gassler departs from the trap of unbending defense of the neoclassical hard core versus its equally unbending critique.He departs, too, from seeing othodoxy and heterodoxy as either alternatives or supplements; he constructs a model that permits all to survive as tools in the art of economics. It enables economists to escape from many of their current impasses. The book needs to be widely read." -- Warren J. Samuels



Robert Scott Gassler
Professor of Economics
Vesalius College of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels


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