January 30, 2004
Bush's Aides See Higher Price Tag for Drug Benefit

ASHINGTON, Jan. 29 ? The Bush administration said on Thursday that the
new Medicare drug benefit would cost at least $530 billion over 10
years, or one-third more than the price tag used when Congress passed
the legislation two months ago.

Conservative Republicans said the new estimate confirmed their worst
fears, while Democrats said it vindicated their view that the law gave
far too much money to drug manufacturers and insurance companies. The
bill passed narrowly in the House after Republican leaders gave
assurances that the cost would not exceed $400 billion.

The Congressional Budget Office said in November and again this week
that the cost was about $400 billion for the 10-year period 2004 to
2013, the amount originally proposed by Mr. Bush. But White House
officials said Thursday that the president's budget would put the cost
at $530 billion to $540 billion.

At the same time, the officials said that the overall budget deficit
for the current fiscal year would exceed $500 billion. The deficit for
fiscal 2003 was $375 billion, a record amount.

Mr. Bush says his budget request, to be unveiled on Monday, will cut
the deficit in half within five years, by promoting economic growth and
keeping spending under control.

The Medicare law, which Mr. Bush signed on Dec. 8, will offer drug
benefits to 41 million elderly and disabled people. It will also give
insurance companies and private health plans a huge new role in the
Medicare program.

A White House official said the new estimate reflected "the Medicare
actuaries' best estimate of the future cost." The actuaries and White
House budget officials often differ with Congressional budget experts,
he said.

"Health costs are very volatile," the official said. "It's difficult to
predict the behavior of 40 million people in a market that does not now

The Bush administration did not explain how it arrived at its cost
estimate, but health economists and budget analysts suggested two

The administration predicts that the new law will produce a sharp
increase in the number of Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in health
maintenance organizations and other private health plans. In addition,
the law significantly increases Medicare payments to private health

"For the foreseeable future, the private plans are more expensive than
the traditional fee-for-service Medicare program," said Robert D.
Reischauer, president of the Urban Institute and vice chairman of a
federal commission that advises Congress on Medicare.

Republicans say the private plans will enhance competition and
efficiency in the Medicare market, saving money in the long run.

Democrats have introduced legislation to augment what they see as a
meager Medicare drug benefit.

The new cost estimate could strengthen the hand of Republicans who
oppose any expansion of the benefit. But it could also strengthen the
hand of Democrats who want to save money by controlling drug prices and
reducing Medicare payments to private insurers.

The White House tried to persuade Congress to include stringent cost
controls in the law. But Democrats balked, saying the proposals could
have led to cuts in Medicare benefits.

Passage of the Medicare bill was a major political achievement for Mr.
Bush and the Republican leaders of Congress. But lawmakers would
probably not have approved the legislation in its current form if they
had thought the cost would exceed a half-trillion dollars.

The bill was passed by a vote of 220 to 215 in the House, with
reluctant support from some conservative Republicans who were deeply
troubled by the cost.

The new estimate confirmed the fears of many conservatives. "We told
you so," said Robert E. Moffit, director of the Center for Health
Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation.

Mr. Moffit said the new estimate "will create an enormous problem for
the Congressional leadership, which repeatedly told Republicans that
this was a fiscally responsible bill."

An aide to the Senate Republican leadership said that he did not know
why the new estimate was higher.

Thomas A. Scully, the federal official in charge of Medicare from May
2001 to December 2003, said: "The estimate may be surprising to some
people, but it's not shocking to me. It just reflects a difference of
opinion among actuaries who make different assumptions about the growth
of drug spending and enrollment in private plans."

William A. Pierce, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human
Services, said: "The Medicare bill had lots of moving parts. We could
not make a final analysis of the cost until it became law."

Representative Jeb Hensarling, Republican of Texas, who voted for the
bill, said he was surprised at the new figure. But he said, "Cost
estimates for entitlement programs have been notoriously unreliable,
often too low."

Representative Patrick J. Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican who voted
against the bill, said: "The new cost estimate is very disturbing, and
I am concerned that the bill will end up costing even more than $540
billion. What could have changed so much in just a few months?"

Democrats said the new cost estimate vindicated their contention that
the law was too generous to drug manufacturers and insurers.

"The news on the Republican Medicare bill gets better and better for
drug company profits and H.M.O.'s, and worse and worse for seniors and
the Medicare program," said Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of

Administration officials said they had not concealed information about
the cost of the new drug benefit. But in their zeal to secure passage
of the legislation last fall, they played down concerns about the cost.

The drug benefit is scheduled to begin in 2006. The cost of
preparations in 2004 and 2005 is relatively small. But the costs will
surge as baby boomers turn 65 and become eligible for Medicare in 2011
and subsequent years.

Douglas J. Holtz-Eakin, director of the Congressional Budget Office,
has estimated that the drug benefit could cost $1 trillion to $2
trillion in its second decade.

Trent D. Duffy, a White House spokesman, said spending on prescription
drugs could reduce the need for more expensive types of care. Mr. Bush
often says, for example, that ulcer drugs costing $500 a year can
eliminate the need for surgery and hospital stays costing $28,000 a

The $530 billion estimate apparently does not include the cost of
another feature of the new law, which provides tax breaks to people who
establish savings accounts for medical expenses. Mr. Bush says he hopes
millions of people will set up such accounts.

In recent weeks, conservative Republicans have expressed alarm at the
growth of federal spending, which increased more than 20 percent from
2000 to 2003, while revenues were declining. Some Democrats suggested
that Mr. Bush was predicting a big deficit for 2004 so it would be
easier to halve the deficit in five years.

Mr. Duffy, the White House spokesman, said that suggestion was

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