Freud does not constitute the alpha and omega of psychoanalysis, just
one of its more conservative currents. For more forward looking work,
look to Otto Fenichel, Thomas Szasz, Reich, Laing, etc.


Mike Ballard wrote:

Psychoanalysis has changed its function in the culture
of our time, in accordance with fundamental social
changes that occurred during the first half of the
century. The collapse of the liberal era and of its
promises, the spreading totalitarian trend and the
efforts to counteract this trend, are reflected in the
position of psychoanalysis. During the twenty years of
its development prior to the First World War,
psychoanalysis elaborated the concepts for the
psychological critique of the most highly praised
achievement   of the modem era: the individual. Freud
demonstrated that constraint, repression, and
renunciation are the stuff from which the  free
personality  is made; he recognized the  general
unhappiness  of society as the unsurpassable limit of
cure and normality. Psychoanalysis was a radically
critical theory. Later, when Central and Eastern
Europe were in revolutionary upheaval, it became clear
to what extent psychoanalysis was still committed to
the society whose secrets it revealed. The
psychoanalytic conception of man, with its belief in
the basic unchangeability of human nature, appeared as
reactionary;  Freudian theory seemed to imply that
the humanitarian ideals of socialism were humanly
unattainable. Then the revisions of psychoanalysis
began to gain momentum.

Eros and Civilization. Herbert Marcuse 1955

Each day a few more lies eat into the
seed with which we are born, little
institutional lies from the print of
newspapers, the shock waves of
television, and the sentimental
cheats of the movie screen.

Norman Mailer

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