----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Pollak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[What's interesting here is the listing of precise numbers each special
interest contributed to produce this result.  I wonder if we'll see more
of this in articles like this now that everyone can just look it up in
Charles Lewis's book _The Selling of the President_.  It makes very clear
the economic rationality of campaign contributions, and the complete
absurdity of talking about the rationality of the market in reference to a
system in they determine policy.]

[And of course the US is not unique in this.  Every national economy is
only half of a political economy, and every political system is
manipulated like this or worse.  The idea of a self-regulating market is
as unreal as the idea of a bodiless mind.  If only we had articles like
this every day that made it this obvious.]


"[W]hat business men and economists really meant by *laissez-faire* was;
prevent everybody else at home and abroad from doing as *they* please, in
order that we may do as we please with what we claim as our own." [John
Commons The Economics of Collective Action]

"*Political Value*, the value added by advantageous treatment from
politicians, whether legislators, judges, executives, or administrative
boards, in the exercise of the several powers of sovereignty, in so far as
this value exceeds that of the ordinary lawfulness and exposure to
competition out of which the value of going plant or goodwill emerges. As
a use-value this political value does not usually represent an additional
service to customers, creditors, or laborers, inspiring their confidence,
loyalty or patronage, but it is rather the superior privilege emanating
from the blunders, corruption or wisdom of public officials, as shown in
the tax exemption bonuses, special franchises, inside information,
judicial opinion, and similar exercise of royal prerogative or the modern
sovereignty superior to that received by competitors who enjoy only
ordinary lawfulness." [John Commons The Legal Foundations of Capitalism]

"Like it or not, Governments are in the business of selling protection."
[can't find the author of this one in my piles/files]

Or as we say in Seattle, "free trade for thee but not for me!"


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