Louis Proyect wrote:

I was thinking about this stuff this morning. It occurs to me that
one of

the worst things about the "anybody but Bush" line of thinking, especially from self-described Marxists, is that it amounts to a Great Man theory of history. You have national elections every four years when the winner gets a chance to determine future history sort of like pulling a lever to switch railroad tracks.

I gag at the thought of voting for Kerry, but I will because I think Bush and his gang are not merely "reacting" to the passing of the post-war boom: I think they are looters and goons who will continue to wreak destruction if re-elected.

I don't see a huge diff between dems and repubs. BUT Kerry won't
privatize social security and won't make the judicial appointments that
the Bush gang will make. It's not much, but it's something. The dems
also set up different expectations for fairness and legality than do the


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