....but the state doesn't reconsider itself.
First as RB reports, during 2002-2003 Argentinian suffered a net financial outflow in international debt receipts and payments.  So that even during the period when and after the government had "defaulted" on approximately $130 billion in debt, debt servicing continued.
Secondly, the "default" does not exist in isolation from the overall attempt of Argentine capitalism to preserve protect and extend its property at the expense of any and everyone.  Thus the default follows the freezing of bank accounts, the suspension of convertibility, dramatic devaluation, currency controls, wage reductions, unemployment and immiseration of the overall society. Default is part of a program.  And partial payment of the debt at 25% is also part of that same program of that same class, that same social organization.
So it seems the very least Marxists should do is a lot more than "critical support" of the current leadership of the bourgeoisie's plan to preserve the bourgeois ship of state and vice versa.  Like, hey, how about paying  0% of the debt?  Is that too radical?  It wasn't too radical in 1998 for Bono and the Jubilee types. 
Which brings us to the whole notion of critical support-- no such support exists separate and apart from an overall program carefully distinguishing the working class program and solution from the bourgeoisie's.
Kirchner says 25cents on the dollar, critical support means counterposing 0 cents on the dollar as the 25 cents is going to come out of the depreciated living standards of the poor.  And it's 0 cents with wage increases and socialization of the banks to prevent financial sabotage..  Its 0 cents with asset takeovers of international firms shuttering production.  Just for starters, I mean.
Critical support is a great tactic, based on a class distinction.  "Like the rope supports the hanged man."   We're supposed to be the rope in that formulation.

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