----- Original Message -----
From: "Marvin Gandall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Details of this report first appeared in Fortune magazine last month.
Today's Observer article is a more sensational recycling of the already
sensational story which Fortune reporter David Stipp broke last month.
And the Observer account misses the main point of the exercise.

As reported by Fortune, the Pentagon study assumed a "midrange case" of
abrupt global warning, characterized by plunging temperatures in the
Northern hemisphere, droughts, storms, flooding, desperate illegal
migration from poorer regions, border raids, and the possibility of
full-scale warfare between alliances of nuclear-armed states over scarce
food, water and energy supplies.

Note, in particular, the reference to illegal migration. The study's
concern is less scientific than military, less the causes than the
effects of an environmental catastrophe. Stipp is, in fact, quite
explicitly says climate change should  be treated as a "national
security" issue to protect America's borders and resources.
Significantly - and presuming the reporter is reflecting the views of
his editors who reflect the views of the Fortune 500 - there is little
emphasis, despite the frightening apocalyptic scenario, on any urgent
preventative environmental measures, beyond tightening fuel emission
standards for new passenger vehicles.

It would appear the Pentagon planners invited Stipp in for a chat and
leaked the Marshall study to him in a bid for further resources. Must be
getting close to budget submission time in Washington.


Colonel W. Chris King
November 2000
Army Environmental Policy Institute

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