Just added to my radio archive

February 19, 2004 Sara Roy, senior research scholar at the Harvard
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, on the social crisis among
Palestinians in the occupied territories and Israel's intentions
behind building the wall * George Soros, speaking at the Council on
Foreign Relations, on the Bush administration and the Bubble of
American Supremacy * Christian Parenti on his January in Iraq, spent
with the 82nd airborne and members of the resistance, which he wrote
up in The Nation

it joins

February 12, 2004 Keith Bradsher, author of High and Mighty: The
Dangerous Rise of the SUV, on the ravages of that vehicle and the
mindset of its buyers * Michael Mann, author of Incoherent Empire, on
the Bush administration's lust for domination

January 22, 2004 MARATHON SPECIAL Noam Chomsky on Bush, empire, and
the facts * Barbara Ehrenreich on Global Woman * Naomi Klein on
market fundamentalism in Iraq * Alexandra Robbins on John Kerry and
Skull & Bones

January 15, 2004 Archi Piyati of Human Rights First (formerly LCHR)
on the barbaric U.S. treatment of refugees * Satya Gabriel on the
Chinese economy

January 8, 2004 Anthony D'Costa on the Indian economy * Anatol Lieven
on Afghanistan's new constitution * Joan Roelofs, author of
Foundations and Public Policy, on foundations' influence on politics
and culture

along with

* Nina Revoyr on the history of Los Angeles, real and fictional
* Bill Fletcher on war and peace
* Slavoj Zizek on war, imperialism, and fantasy
* Susie Bright on sex and politics
* Anatol Lieven on Iraq
* Lisa Jervis on feminism & pop culture
* Faye Wattleton on a poll of American women
* Joseph Stiglitz on the IMF and the Wall St-Treasury axis
* Joel Schalit, author of Jerusalem Calling, on the Counterpunch
collection, The Politics of Anti-Semitism
* Naomi Klein on Argentina and the arrested political development of
the global justice movement
* Ursula Huws on the new world of work and why capitalism has avoided crisis
* Simon Head, author of The New Ruthless Economy, on working in the
era of surveillance, restructuring, and speedup* Michael Albert on
participatory economics (parecon)
* Michael Hudson, author of a report on the sleazy world of "subprime" finance
* Hamid Dabashi on Iran
* Marta Russell on the UN conference on disability
* William Pepper on the state-sponsored assassination of Martin Luther King
* Sara Roy on the Palestinian economy
* Christian Parenti on his visit to Baghdad, and on his book The Soft
Cage (about surveillance in America from slavery to the Patriot Act)
* Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, and Cynthia Enloe on the then-impending
war with Iraq
* Michael Hardt on Empire
* Judith Levine on kids & sex
* Richard Burkholder of Gallup on polling Baghdad
* Walden Bello on the World Social Forum and alternative development models
* Christopher Hitchens on Orwell and his new political affiliations
* Ghada Karmi on her search for her Palestinian roots
* Jonathan Nitzan on the Israeli economy


Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
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