Paige: Teachers Union Is 'Terrorist Organization'
Education Secretary's Comments Made at Private Meeting With Governors

By Robert Tanner
The Associated Press
Monday, February 23, 2004; 5:52 PM

Education Secretary Rod Paige called the nation's largest teachers union a
"terrorist organization" Monday, taking on the 2.7-million-member National
Education Association early in the presidential election year.

Paige's comments, made to the nation's governors at a private White House
meeting, were denounced by union president Reg Weaver as well as prominent
Democrats. Paige said he was sorry, and the White House said he was right
to say so.

The education secretary's words were "pathetic and they are not a laughing
matter," said Weaver, whose union has said it plans to sue the Bush
administration over lack of funding for demands included in the "No Child
Left Behind" schools law.

Paige said later in an Associated Press interview that his comment was "a
bad joke; it was an inappropriate choice of words." President Bush was not
present at the time he made the remark.

"As one who grew up on the receiving end of insensitive remarks, I should
have chosen my words better," said Paige, the first black education

Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle of Wisconsin said Paige's words were, "The NEA
is a terrorist organization."

Paige said he had made clear to the governors that he was referring to the
Washington-based union organization, not the teachers it represents.

Weaver responded, "We are the teachers, there is no distinction."

Paige's Education Department is working to enforce a law that amounts to
the biggest change in federal education policy in a generation. He has
made no attempt to hide his frustration with the NEA, which has long
supported Democratic presidential candidates.

Asked if he was apologizing, Paige said: "Well, I'm saying that I'm sorry
I said it, yeah." In a statement released to the media, Paige said he
chose the wrong words to describe "the obstructionist scare tactics" of
NEA lobbyists.

Said White House spokesman Scott McClellan: "The comment was inappropriate
and the secretary recognized it was inappropriate and quickly apologized."

Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, put it in
stronger terms, accusing Paige of resorting "to the most vile and
disgusting form of hate speech, comparing those who teach America's
children to terrorists."

Education has been a top issue for the governors, who have sought more
flexibility from the administration on Bush's "No Child Left Behind" law,
which seeks to improve school performance in part by allowing parents to
move their children from poorly performing schools.

Democrats have said Bush has failed to fully fund the law, giving the
states greater burdens but not the resources to handle them. The union
backs the intent of the law but says many of its provisions must be

Missouri Gov. Bob Holden, a Democrat, said Paige's remarks startled the
governors, who met for nearly two hours with Bush and several Cabinet

"He is, I guess, very concerned about anybody that questions what the
president is doing," Holden said.

Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas, a Republican, said, "Somebody asked him about
the NEA's role and he offered his perspective on it."

Gov. Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, a Democrat, said the comments were
made in the context of "we can't be supportive of the status quo and
they're the status quo. But whatever the context, it is inappropriate -- I
know he wasn't calling teachers terrorists -- but to ever suggest that the
organization they belong to was a terrorist organization is uncalled for."

Paige, in an interview, talked at length about his agency's efforts to
work with states over their concerns with the law. He said meetings with
state leaders have erased misunderstandings and a tone of confrontation.

But he said some opposition to the law has been stirred by at least three
groups that are "hard nosed, highly financed and well organized." Asked to
name the groups other than the NEA, Paige declined, saying: "I've already
got into deep water with that one, haven't I?"

The governors were in Washington for four days of discussions at the
annual meeting of the National Governors Association, though the usual
effort to build consensus was marked by partisan politics that Democrats
said couldn't be avoided.

Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association,
said that during the private meeting, Bush took only two questions,
leaving little time for a full exploration of issues.

"It would have been helpful for him to have heard the discussions about
'No Child Left Behind' because there may be a disconnect between what he
thinks and what we know," Vilsack said.

In brief public comments, Bush told the governors that rising political
tensions of an election year won't stop him from working closely with

"I fully understand it's going to be the year of the sharp elbow and the
quick tongue," Bush said. "But surely we can shuffle that aside sometimes
and focus on our people."

AP Education Writer Ben Feller and AP Political Writer Ron Fournier
contributed to this report.

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