Steinbrenner Buys Fenway
Homeless Red Sox cry foul WEB EXCLUSIVE
Updated: 4:53 p.m. ET Feb. 24, 2004Feb. 24 - George Steinbrenner's
buying spree continued unabated today as the New York Yankees owner
purchased Fenway Park, the legendary home of the arch-rival Boston Red

In buying Fenway out from under the Sox, Steinbrenner has left his
Eastern Division rivals without a stadium for the first time in their
history, jeopardizing the Red Sox' bid for the American League pennant.
"It is hard to win a championship without pitching or hitting," says
David Hastings, a sports historian at the University of Minnesota. "But
it is virtually impossible to win without a stadium."
Red Sox owner John Henry, who spent most of the day scrambling to find a
high school sandlot where his team might play the 2004 season, held an
emotional press conference in Boston to denounce the big-spending Yankee
honcho. "Damn you, George Steinbrenner, damn you!" swore Henry, shaking
his fist violently.

But Steinbrenner's shopping day had barely begun. After closing his
Fenway deal, the Yankees owner went on to outbid the Walt Disney Company
for the legendary puppet characters, the Muppets.  While Steinbrenner
did not indicate what role the Muppet characters might play in the
Yankee organization, his aggressive purchase of Kermit, Miss Piggy et al
reinforced the impression in baseball circles that the Yankee owner is
willing to buy anything that is not nailed down.

Having assumed the $250 million contract of third baseman Alex
Rodriguez, however, Mr. Steinbrenner acknowledged that he might have to
economize by outsourcing second base to India.

In other baseball news, North Korea's Kim Jung-Il revealed that he
attempted to acquire A-Rod until he was told that A-Rod was not a piece
of nuclear fuel.

Andy Borowitz is the author of The Borowitz Report, winner of two 2003
Dot-Comedy Awards for Best Overall Humor and Best Satirical News

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