>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/27/04 10:32 AM >>>
My old friend Peter Camejo was quite insistent that Bush will
steamroller over Kerry since all the big money and the media likes
what he is doing. Check out the debate between him and Norman
Solomon if you haven't done so already. It is highly entertaining,
nearly as much so as "Sex and the City".

re. pc - whom i voted for in 76 when he was, according to 2004 green
party prez candidate guide, Presidential nominee of Socialist
Workers Party -- a militant, Trotskyist communist party. Since then,
his strident leftist views have evolved into the democratic
socialism of the Green Party that he now espouses - why doesn't he
run for city council or mayor of where ever he lives instead of
wasting time, money, and effort on go nowhere campaign for prez,
green party website lists 'goodly' number of green elected officials
(probably most in nonpartisan elections but hey...)
...   michael hoover

I have it on good authority that Peter Camejo actually doesn't intend to run for president -- he (probably along with several other candidates currently running in the Green primaries) is a "placeholder" for Ralph Nader.

The Green Party needs to run a presidential candidate, especially in
war times, since it is the executive branch of the federal government
that determines foreign policy, making life-and-death decisions on
matters of war and peace.  Running candidates in winnable local
elections alone doesn't allow the Green Party to publicize its
foreign policy.  Besides, on issues of local governance, there are
much fewer differences between the Green and Democratic Parties than
at higher levels anyway.

* Bring Them Home Now! <http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<http://www.freepress.org/calendar.php>, & <http://www.cpanews.org/>
* Student International Forum: <http://sif.org.ohio-state.edu/>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osudivest.org/>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-Ohio>
* Solidarity: <http://www.solidarity-us.org/>

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