>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/06/04 12:37 PM >>>
figures associated with Dissent Magazine and the
Nation have been aggressively attacking the Nader campaign, ANSWER and
other groups and individuals to their left.

The left orients to a class that not only has no power; it is not even
self-aware as a class.

This tends to lend a certain abstruseness to ideological disputes on the
left and encourage sectarianism. If the working class was in motion and
saw the conquest of
power as a goal, it would put enormous pressure on the left to unite.
process occurred in Nicaragua as described in George Black's "Triumph of
the People". The 3 factions of the FSLN were practically ordered by the
"muchachos" to set aside their differences and overthrow Somoza.
Louis Proyect

disputes between 'left' groups and mags is almost completely irrelevant
to working people in u.s....

re. 'class consciousness', most american self-id as middle class, survey
research offering upper, middle, lower options results in vast majority
placing themselves in middle, however, when offered working class
option, about 55% identify themselves as such (which is pretty close to
michael zweig's 62% based on labor dept. data)...

relevance of late 70s nicaraguan situation to current u.s.?...   michael

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