> There is no contradiction. Carrol means they are
> competent at power politics, getting underlings to
> do the tough work (exploitation) i.e. political
> economy.
> Charles

Hi Charles!

Good to hear from you. I have not seen you around for
quite a while. How have you been?

I don't think there is much point in furthering this
"debate", as it appears to me to be more about what
certain words mean and they don't but let me object
one last time and I will leave this at that.

Getting underlings to the tough work does not take any
competence. The underlings are already prepared to do
the tough work when they join these firms.

The incompetents are us:

I have tried many times to convince my coworkers that
the real power resided with us and if we got organized
and stopped production until we get what we want, the
upper management had nothing to sell and hence no way
to make profits.

But of course I had always failed.

Whenever I made such arguments my coworkers told me
things like this: "It is dangerous to have such ideas
such as organizing against the upper management in the
US. If you do that, they throw you out."

So it is us who are incompetents and competence does
not reside with the upper management either.

It has to be looked for elsewhere.



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