Lou, David resubscribed.  Even if he had not, it is not a good idea to
get into personal debates on the list.

> This is now the 3rd list that DMS has departed from. The first was
> LBO-Talk from which he was ejected. He left Marxmail at least 3 times,
> all voluntarily because he was pissed off over one thing or another. The
> final time because of a perceived Malthusianism. I don't think that it
> is simply a question of tone. It seems to me that the larger problem is
> that he was always in a combative mode looking for somebody to lock
> horns with. As contentious as I am, I generally don't look for fights on
> Pen-L but am content to post lengthier movie reviews, items from the NY
> Times that are relevant to the list's mandate, caustic responses to
> people who are not on PEN-L like Sean Wilentz, etc. Of course, there was
>   a time when people were ready to remove me because I was rude to
> public figures not on PEN-L. Thank goodness we've moved beyond that.
> --
> The Marxism list: www.marxmail.org

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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