Green policies blamed for jump in bills

Power and water sectors warn of steep rises for homes and business may
force industry to raise prices

David Gow
Friday March 12, 2004
The Guardian

British households and industry face hefty increases in their water and
electricity bills in 2005, the likely date of the next election, to pay
for the government's green policies, it emerged yesterday.

Water and sewerage customers in England and Wales could be forced to pay
more than the 30% extra in real terms over the five years from April 2005,
originally foreseen by regulator Ofwat. It follows tough new environmental
guidelines from ministers.

Business bodies warned that industry could see their power bills rise by
up to 30% - with a knock-on effect on domestic consumers - if the
government sticks to its plans to enforce a 16.3% cut in greenhouse gases
under an EU carbon emissions trading scheme that takes effect on January
1, 2005.

After a serious cabinet row on electorally-sensitive price increases with
Gordon Brown, environment secretary Margaret Beckett yesterday issued
long-delayed guidance on environmental improvements in water quality.

The guidance came six weeks late, prompting Ofwat to warn that it could
bring delays to the tight timetable for the five-year price review.

Companies have pointed to investor fears over the resultant uncertainty.

The guidance, industry sources said, would increase the five-year
investment ear-marked by water and sewerage companies above the £19.5bn
originally planned -and far above the £15bn suggested to Ms Beckett by
Philip Fletcher, Ofwat director-general, which would have cut the price
increases to 25%.

Both industry and Ofwat said it was too early to assess the impact on
bills but Mr Fletcher said: "Given the cost pressures faced by the
companies, customers in general should expect bill increases."

Ms Beckett, accused earlier of being a captive of the "green lobby", said
in her guidance: "It is already clear from representations from customers
and companies and from the advice that I have received... that there is
every prospect of significant real price increases in 2005 to 2010."

But with average bills already set to rise from £234 this year to £306 in
2009, she added: "I am concerned about the effect of water bills,
especially on those least able to pay.

"Changes to our policies on drinking water and the environment cannot
avert increases but, in a climate of rising water bills, I have closely
scrutinised the need for and benefits of further policies to improve water
companies' standards."

The Environment Agency originally urged Ms Beckett to approve a £26.5bn,
fall-back investment programme driven by new EU regulations on drinking
and bathing water.

Chairman Sir John Harman welcomed measures to stop pollution from storm
sewerage overflows, protect wetland wildlife sites and control leaks but
regretted the government's failure to adopt more rigorous environmental
standards elsewhere.

"These costs are being deferred, not avoided," he said. But he insisted
that while bills would have to rise "to an extent" to reverse damage
caused by the industry, this was also prompted by rising overheads and
improved drinking water.

Industry body Water UK said it was pleased that Ms Beckett had made
capital spending on replacing and repairing ageing pipes and sewers her
top priority.

But ministers came under fire from both the CBI and EEF, the
manufacturers' organisation, over their ambitious plans for CO2 trading
which, the government says, should increase power bills by no more than

Industrial and retail customers, who already face a combined £1.5bn bill
over 10 years to rebuild the grid system and hefty increases to meet the
switch to renewables, will pay considerably more - 10% to 30% - than
government forecasts, the two bodies said.

The EEF said UK power prices would surge faster than in Europe unless
ministers persuaded other EU states to adopt its more stringent standards
and urged a delay to the new scheme.

"While the rest of Europe drags its heels, Britain's manufacturers are
going to have to run much faster to meet the UK's ambitious target," said
Martin Temple, EEF director-general.

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