--- "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike B. writes:
> >I'm wondering about these pressures to cut costs
> which
> Chomsky refers to.  Don't they lead to the big, nice
> co:operative having to try to find cheaper sources
> of
> material via low wage, usually dictatorial political
> states?<
> FWIW, David Schweikert's "market socialist" utopia
> of worker-managed co-operatives has two major
> institutions that are aimed at preventing the
> co-ops' profit-maximization from turning into this
> kind of thing:
> 1) a minimum wage, so that profit-max doesn't
> involve co-ops competing via a race to the bottom
> among themselves.
> [I think there must also be some rule about not
> hiring non-co-op members to do work. But I don't
> remember it.}
> 2) a special tariff on imports from countries that
> don't live up to labor standards. In this case, the
> revenues collected by making these imports more
> expensive to domestic consumers are supposed to be
> returned to the country whose imports are taxed as a
> lump sum (development aid).
> Jim Devine

Thanks Jim.  These reforms sound very nice and I'm
sure that most people would be happier if they were
put in force.  Still, I remain sick to death of the
poltical-economy of commodity production.

Mike B)

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