Could we introduce a little perspective here? I spent Saturday afternoon
at the conference too. Some interesting information, a few sharp
insights, certainly worth a Saturday afternoon. But it was just a
conference of 2000 predominantly academic leftists--not a sit-in,
march,  demonstration, or any other kind of real organizing activity.
Quite rightly, it has never pretended to be anything else. May be it is
in the nature of list serve threads that PEN-L is now debating
revolutionary vs. reformism socialism, but isn't another sign of
political impotence that a conference--yes, a weekend conference!--has
so quickly degenerated into this debate?

Joel Blau

Doug Henwood wrote:

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

Michael Hoover wrote:

i confess to not knowing what constitutes revolutionary socialism

Me either, and I wish someone would explain it to me. Armed takeover
of the White House and the New York Stock Exchange? Really, could
some self-identified RS clarify?


The first thing to do is to quit asking fake questions in which you
aren't really interested.

Those are real questions. Who are you to declare them fake? I could
just as easily declare your reaction to be one of someone caught
holding an incoherent, fantastic point of view. The idea of
revolution in the U.S. or any of its imperial peers seems like the
stuff of a drug-induced reverie right now. I'd like to hear someone
argue to the contrary.


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