Yeah, I know. This wouldn't be an individual project -- more like a
peace corps of the left.


andie nachgeborenen wrote:

I tried that, lost my job, now I am a lawyer.

--- joanna bujes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

>> Suppose that you are really interested in the
subject of
> revolutionary socialism.  What questions about it
do you think would
> be worth asking in the United States today, when
no one -- the least
> of all, revolutionary socialists -- envisions any
> happening today or any time soon?
> --

Question:  Is there any way to prepare the ground?
Can we take notes
from the methods of the fundamentalists and say,
infiltrate the
educational system? Can we take the most
intelligent, well educated,
committed people we have and commit a generation
of them to educating many generations of students
...not to indoctrinate
them, but to make them aware that there can be many
"futures" and to
give them the skills to organize themselves and
articulate their vision
of a socialist ...human future?


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