At 10:20 PM -0500 3/16/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
my mother is my political barometer and she and her husband are in
anybody but bush camp, she's worried (incorrectly imo) that nader
will help put bush back in white house, folks like her who think
that are much more important than all nation magazine articles and
readers moaning about nader combined...   michael hoover

Nader is now "drawing 7 percent of the votes" in a "nationwide telephone poll of 1,206 adults, including 984 registered voters . . . taken from last Wednesday through Sunday" (Adam Nagourney and Janet Elder, "Nation's Direction Prompts Voters' Concern, Poll Finds," March 16, 2004, <>). Cf. <>.

And that despite the relentless attacks of the Anybody But Bush
pundits on Nader and Greens.  I detect a major disconnect between the
ABB pundits and ordinary American voters.

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