This is a really excellent book, great on why the
working class in this country is so divided. jks

--- Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For my money, the best book ever written on the
> Democrats is by Mike Davis.
> Although it appeared in 1986 and examined the
> failure of the Mondale
> candidacy, many of the themes are relevant to
> today's situation as should
> be obvious from the following excerpt I scanned in.
> Unfortunately, nothing
> by Davis on the Democratic Party can be found
> online. I do recommend that
> you track down his book "Prisoners of the American
> Dream", which is still
> in print.
> -----
> The Lesser Evil? The Left, The Democrats and 1984
> In the summer before the 1984 presidential
> elections, Michael Harrington
> and Irving Howe, in a widely noted interview in the
> New York Times
> Magazine, boasted that 'by now practically everyone
> on the Left agrees that
> the Democratic Party, with all its faults, must be
> our main political
> arena'. In recent historical context there was a
> peculiar irony in this
> assertion, with its smug self-limitation of the
> 'Left'. During the 1960s,
> American social democracy had been debilitated,
> almost discredited, by its
> advocacy of reform through the Democratic Party. The
> right wing of the old
> Thomasite Socialist Party, 'Social Democrats, USA',
> had broken away to
> become courtiers of Scoop Jackson and lobbyists for
> military victory in
> Vietnam. Meanwhile, a centrist current led by
> Harrington and Howe formed a
> small circle around Dissent with negligible
> influence on a burgeoning New
> Left which spurned their faith in the
> transformability of the Democratic
> Party. Indeed, the key radical organizations of the
> 1960s, SNCC and SDS,
> understandably regarded the Cold War liberalism
> incarnated by the
> Humphrey/Jackson wing of the Democratic Party (to
> which both camps of
> social democrats oriented) as the enemy, primarily
> responsible for
> genocidal imperialism in Southeast Asia as well as
> for the repression of
> the Black liberation movement at home.
>  From the McGovern candidacy of 1972, however,
> sections of the former New
> Left, together with a younger cohort of 1970s
> activists, began to slip back
> into Democratic politics, initially on a local
> level. At first there was no
> sharp ideological break with the sixties' legacy.
> The 'New Polities', as it
> was typed, seemed just another front of the anti-war
> movement or another
> tactical extension of the urban populism espoused by
> SDS's community
> organizing faction. By 1975, with the sudden end of
> the Vietnam War, a
> strategic divergence had become more conspicuous. On
> the one hand, an array
> of self-proclaimed 'cadre' groups, inspired by the
> heroic mold of 1930s
> radicalism, were sending their ex-student members
> into the factories in the
> hope of capturing and radicalizing the widespread
> rank-and-file discontent
> that characterized the end of the postwar boom. On
> the other hand, another
> network of ex-SDSers and antiwar activists - of whom
> Tom Hayden was merely
> a belated and media-hyped example - were building
> local influence within
> the Democratic 'reform movement': the loose
> collocation of consumer,
> environmental and public-sector groups, supported by
> a few progressive
> unions, that had survived the McGovern debacle.
> Although its significance was only vaguely grasped
> at the time, this
> increasing polarization between workerism and
> electoralism coincided with,
> and was immediately conditioned by, the decline of
> the Black liberation
> movement that had been the chief social motor of
> postwar radicalism. A
> dismaying, inverse law seemed to prevail between the
> collapse of grassroots
> mobilization in the ghettoes and the rise of the
> first wave of Black
> political patronage in the inner cities. While Black
> revolutionaries and
> nationalists were being decimated by J. Edgar
> Hoover's COINTELPRO program
> of preemptive repression and infiltration, Black
> community organization was
> being reshaped into a passive clientelism
> manipulated by the human-services
> bureaucracy and the Democratic Party. Although, as
> we have seen, the civil
> rights movement remained an unfinished revolution
> with an urgent agenda of
> economic and political demands, its centrality to
> the project of a popular
> American left was tragically, and irresponsibly,
> obscured in the late
> 1970s. The ranks of the white, ex-student left,
> preoccupied with academic
> outposts and intellectual celebrities, showed a
> profound inability to
> understand the strategic implications of the halting
> of the civil rights
> movement. For all the theoretical white smoke of the
> 1970s, including the
> endless debates on crisis theory and the nature of
> the state, the decisive
> problem of the fate of the Second Reconstruction was
> displaced beyond the
> field of vision. With minimal challenge or debate,
> leading journals like
> Socialist Review and Dissent tacitly demoted Black
> liberation - the
> critical democratic issue in American history - to
> the status of another
> 'progressive interest', coeval with sexual freedom
> or ecology.
> The crisis of Black radicalism, and its attendant
> white incomprehension,
> was soon followed by the disintegration of the
> workerist left with the
> important but solitary exception of the
> International Socialists, who
> continue to play a vital role in Teamsters for a
> Democratic Union (the only
> surviving rank-and-file caucus from the 1970s), none
> the workplace-oriented
> offshoots of the New Left proved to have the stamina
> or internal stability
> to weather the decline in union militancy that
> followed the 1974/75
> recession. The bizarre implosion of the 'new
> communist movement', as the
> Maoist left moved from the factory floor to frenzied
> party building and
> street confrontations, reinforced, if only by
> harrowing negative example,
> the growing claim of the electoralists to represent
> the sole rational hope
> for a mass American left.
> But it is unlikely that the transition towards the
> orbit of the Democratic
> Party could have occurred so rapidly without the
> intervention and
> coordination undertaken by the Harrington-Howe
> group, now reorganized as
> the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee
> (DSOC). The charter concept
> of DSOC, according to a Harrington editorial written
> in the wake of the
> McGovern defeat, was the belief that 'the left wing
> of realism' is found
> today in the Democratic Party. It is there that the
> mass forces for social
> change are assembled; it is there that the
> possibility exists for creating
> a new first party in America. To pursue this
> realignment, Harrington and
> Howe proposed a two-story organizational strategy,
> the DSOC conceived as a
> 'party within a party within a party'. It was
> intended to provide a kind of
> social-democratic inner sanctum within a larger
> liberal coalition, built
> from the top down through the selective recruitment
> of 'influentials':
> trade-union fulltimers, local Democratic luminaries
> and well-known
> academics. These 'influentials', in turn, helped
> sponsor the Democratic
> Agenda, the 'party within the party', that aimed to
> coalesce progressive
> forces within the national Democratic Party. In this
> fashion, the
> Harrington-Howe group contrived to obtain a
> political leverage
> disproportionate to DSOC's modest membership or its
> meager contributions to
=== message truncated ===

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