--- Jurriaan Bendien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim C. wrote:
> "it is an honor to be marginalized and demonized by
> half-wits, sycophants
> and idiots and if for some reason they did like me I
> would worry and lose
> sleep what I am doing wrong - why I have not drawn
> the line of demarcation
> clear enough."

IMO, it's good when the people you don't like, don't
like you too.  As for marginalization, that always
happens with people who don't spout the dominant ideas
of any era--both the nuts and the revolutionaries.
The point is to be able to differentiate between them.

Mike B)

He Who enters here Will no longer have existence;
His name and soul are vanished
and are gone forever.
Of him there is not left a breath
In all the vast world.
He can never return, Nor can he ever go onward;
For where he stands there he must stay.
No god knows him;
And unknown will he be in hell.
He is not day; he is not night.
He is Nothing and Never.
He is too great for infinity,
Too small for a grain of sand,
Which, however small,
Has its place in the universe.
He is what has never been
And never thought.

Inscription over the crew's quarters in the death ship 'Yorricke'
from The Death Ship: B Traven 1925 - uncredited translation


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