Warns Madman About Potty-mouthed Terror Rants  (by Andy Borowitz) 

Reflecting the increasingly prudish tenor of the times, the Arabic-language broadcast 
network al-Jazeera today warned al Qaeda madman Osama bin Laden that all future on-air 
appearances of his would be subject to a seven-second delay.

âWe have no problem with Osama threatening the West with death and destruction, but 
weâd really like him to clean up his language,â an al-Jazeera spokesman said. 
âYou donât have to be potty-mouthed to get your message of terror across.â

Observers of the broadcast industry said that the seven-second delay was imposed on 
Mr. bin Laden after he appeared on the air last week and used âinappropriate 
languageâ similar to that used by rock singer Bono during last yearâs Golden Globe 

Additionally, the continuing controversy about Janet Jacksonâs breast-baring 
incident at this yearâs Super Bowl made the decision to put Mr. bin Laden on a tape 
delay âinevitable,â the al-Jazeera spokesman said: âWe donât think Osama would 
resort to flashing, but you never know.â

While censorship opponents such as the ACLU opposed al-Jazeeraâs seven-second-delay 
policy, the network received a surprising vote of support from another renowned 
international madman, President Kim Jung-Il of North Korea, whom many had expected to 
side with Mr. bin Laden.

âYou can terrify the world without resorting to foul language,â Kim Jung-Il said. 
âWhen terrorists start talking like Courtney Love, I really start wondering what 
this world is coming to.â


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