
I fully realise that talking to a self-professed Stalinist-Hoxhaist, as
though he/she/it is sane, is probably quite taboo - quite infra-dig -
amongst true intellectuals - but could you possible try?
Just treat me like an ignorant & we will get on fine!

MY COMMUNITY [The 0.0000000000000000005% of political activists who
retain the True Hoxhaite Faith & Scientific Knowledge of All Time & Ages
- naturally) WANTS & NEEDS TO KNOW!!

What is this guy's programme?
My Googlie skills with a keyboard may be suspect, but I do not get a
clear programme with my paltry searches (Goggle is not even up to Pubmed
sort of sensitivity & specificity in searching).

I also get a Trot attack which is not un-reasonable to me - "qualified"
support) at:

So what's this all about then?
Again, Sorry MP _ Just trying to get to understand this Nader thing!


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