*****   This essay is from Confronting Capitalism, a new collection
from Softskull edited by Eddie Yuen, George Katsiafikas and Daniel
Burton Rose and to be published in the coming months.

"Insurgent Chinese Workers and Peasants:
The 'Weak Link' in Capitalist Globalization and U.S. Imperialism" (1)
John Gulick

. . . When the worldwide mobilization against capitalist
globalization hit its pre-September 11 stride, some of its partisans
characterized it "a movement of movements," arguing quite cogently
that one of its virtues and trademarks is its decentralized,
networked, and pluralistic character.8 According to this formulation,
the movement as a whole consists of parallel initiatives and
struggles within and across the Global South and Global North. While
these parallel campaigns are animated by the same, or at least
similar, principles (i.e., against the depredations of global
neo-liberalism), they are also unshackled by a concentrated, top-down
structure of command and control. Curiously, however, one of the most
pivotal movements in objective opposition to the imperatives of
capitalist globalization was not and is still not conventionally
regarded as part of the broader movement: the movement (informal,
localized, and episodic though it may be at present) of insurgent
Chinese workers and peasants resisting the assorted hardships imposed
on them by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s accelerated
implementation of its "economic reform" and "opening up" policies,
epitomized by China's November 2001 accession to the World Trade

Scattered outbursts of worker and peasant protest have been on the
dramatic upswing in China since 1998.9 Demonstrating workers are
aggrieved by the downsizing, closure, and privatization of SOE's and
by brutal exploitation in subcontractor sweatshops while
demonstrating peasants are aggrieved by plunging crop prices. Both
workers and peasants are absolutely exasperated by and fed up with
the venality of local party-state officials. Consequently the number
of reported worker and peasant protests has metastasized at a
dizzying pace. According to the Chinese Ministry of Public Security
(a state entity usually inclined to downplaying the extent of social
unrest), the year 2002 constituted a high-water mark for worker and
peasant demonstrations.10 Whereas an average of 80 daily "incidents"
occurred in 2001, by December 2002 this figure had swelled to 700.11
The CCP's experiment with "socialist market economy with Chinese
characteristics" has entered some kind of watershed crisis, one that
its newly installed "Fourth Generation" leadership is trying to
address with short-term palliative measures.12

This momentous development of the past five years seems to have
eluded the attention of many activist-theoreticians close to the
movement against capitalist globalization. Whatever their tactical
and programmatic differences concerning the how and the where of the
movement, French socialist intellectuals and Italian
anarcho-communist militants, U.S. environmental radicals and Chiapan
Zapatistas, Brazilian landless laborers and South African municipal
activists alike share at least one thing in common: theorizers of and
spokespeople for the movement against capitalist globalization
recognize each and every one of them as participants in this
amorphous but definable movement. Generally speaking, the same
recognition has not been extended to Chinese workers and peasants
courageously fighting the multiple and intertwined evils associated
with CCP-engineered neo-liberalism and global capitalist integration.
This failure to characterize current-day Chinese worker and peasant
protest (and, in some cases, outright insurrection) as part of the
worldwide refusal against capitalist globalization stems partially
from the reality that neither rebellious Chinese workers and
peasants, nor representatives democratically elected by them, have
actively taken part in those events customarily associated with the
broader global movement - the successive street demonstrations staged
alongside the summit meetings of the WTO/IMF/World Bank/G7, or the
respective World Social Forums in Porto Alegre and Florence, and so
on. A salient cause of this absence is that the CCP remains dead-set
against the licensing of independent popular organizations that could
potentially contest the prerogatives of the party-state, and
coercively suppresses their very existence.

One irony of overlooking the historic Daqing and Liaoyang protests,
and thousands of comparable protests, is that the trajectory of
capitalist globalization and of the U.S. imperialist quest for
planetary dominance rests largely upon the disposition and the action
of ordinary Chinese workers, peasants and rural-to-urban migrants.
Although the claims they make upon party-state officials may deal
mostly with hand-to-mouth issues, the Chinese demonstrators
unwittingly endanger the smooth functioning of a Pacific Rim
accumulation regime critical to the prolongation of U.S. imperial

Despite a host of imagined and genuine geopolitical frictions between
nominally "communist" China and the U.S., the mutual destinies of the
CCP elite and U.S. ruling groups are becoming inextricably wedded to
one another. U.S. big business direly needs China as an outlet for
exports, as a theater for financial speculation, and as a supply
platform for the production of cheap parts and components. As long as
China continues to hold the lion's share of its voluminous currency
reserves in dollars, stabilizing the privileged status of the U.S.
currency as "world money," the hawks and neo-cons in Washington can
live with China's emergence as the "workshop of the world."13 The
CCP's acquiescence to this arrangement is virtually guaranteed by the
staking of its legitimacy and sheer survival on an economic model
dependent upon huge flows of U.S.- led foreign direct investment and
parity access to U.S. markets.14 And by decisively tying its
political future to an emergent mainland Chinese capitalist class
whose fortunes are entwined in the trans-Pacific commodity chain, the
CCP all but confirmed this dependence at its 16th National Congress
held in November 2002.15 To the extent that the CCP tries to waver
from the implied terms of this marriage, the U.S. Departments of War
and State have various tools at their disposal - arms transfers to
Taiwan, leverage over the oceanic conduits of oil transport, coy
complaints about human rights abuses, all buttressed by post-911
encirclement - to force China back into line, overblown proclamations
about its high-tech military buildup notwithstanding.16

At the risk of oversimplifying, U.S. ruling groups need a "socially
stable" China as much as the CCP does. The structural between a
deepening of neo-liberal reform in China and the putative
reinvigoration of U.S. hegemony thus frames the backdrop in which the
gathering storm of Chinese worker and peasant resistance is taking
place. Besides the fact that the segment of the Chinese populace
suffering from the CCP's latest concessions to capitalist
globalization makes up roughly one-eighth of humanity, this equation
is precisely why partisans of a recomposed "global justice" movement
should train their sights on increasingly agitated and unruly Chinese
workers and peasants. Bearing this in mind, myriad aspects of the
recent worker and peasant mobilizations warrant closer inspection. .
. .

<http://info.interactivist.net/print.pl?sid=04/02/27/1522245>   *****

* Bring Them Home Now! <http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/>
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
<http://www.freepress.org/calendar.php>, & <http://www.cpanews.org/>
* Student International Forum: <http://sif.org.ohio-state.edu/>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osudivest.org/>
* Al-Awda-Ohio: <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Al-Awda-Ohio>
* Solidarity: <http://www.solidarity-us.org/>

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